
It's less the fact that the story's going to be a true-to-life interpretation of the factual account, and more the fact that the guy who revenge-murdered someone is gonna get lionized even further than the hero's welcome and government post he already got.

Ugh. I hate that this fucking movie exists.

*subtle background explosion*

Drama dork who wants everyone to like them is INFINITELY better than Drama Asshole Who Thinks They're Too Good For This Shit.

If my day at work is any indication, no, you shouldn't have done that.

Trump's not gonna put a quarter in the Face/Off machine, man.

It doesn't matter how many times you press reset, it's still gonna be the same copy of Far Cry that loads up.

Thunderlips is probably the version that's worth more now, though…

Same with the damn Xybots.

First off, thanks for the apology. I mean that, seriously. In all honesty, I feel that peoples' stern refusal to accept that any minor thing they've said or done could actually be incorrect is what has led us to the screwed up place we're at today.

"Nope. For someone who accused me of jumping to conclusions, you seem to be pretty guilty of it yourself."

You just told people that they shouldn't find things weird that they objectively and overwhelmingly find weird.

This isn't my tastes we're discussing here, dude who apparently works for Big Natto. You asked which foods in Japanese cuisine people would find weird.

Would be SOOOOOO much better than traveling with the dude telling everyone that they should just eat everything they're uncomfortable with because it doesn't matter how many different ways they're not accustomed to something, they should just eat it because you've decided it isn't weird for them.

It is not solely the fact that natto is fermented that makes it weird. But keep jumping to conclusions. I'm sure it'll take you places.

By way of less dismissive explanation (though, you did completely earn the snark.) natto is as foreign of a food as you can have for a Westerner.

"What could anyone find weird?"

Look, not to just throw a bucket of cold water on your attempt at academia here, but most video game stores are shit not because there's some element of dismaying racism/sexism/ageism etc.

Yeah, I rented this for Vita, and I'd played Borderlands immediately before diving into Gravity Rush. Both of those games suffer from the same basic plot problem, which is that they feel entitled to your attention for a sequel despite offering nothing in their introduction to the story.

Fucking natto?