
No, L.A. gives a shit about football. What we don't give a shit about is teams that fucking bailed on the city coming back and saying, "Oh, wait, we're sorry we ever left the largest TV and sports market in North America. Buy all our season tickets."

That song sucks. On top of that, I've been to Qualcomm, and they used to play the song after a made field goal.

I feel like they need to combine the Kia Sorento commercial with the Billy Blanks scene from Last Boy Scout.

More pertinent fact that Mr. Teti did not mention.

Dan Marino was a 2nd year player when he made the Super Bowl in '84.

Sorry, fellow Fins fan. :(

Indeed. Supermodels, fuck that guy.

There's no marathon in Toulon. They only have a fucking 10K.

Look around…


Is Stacy Title really all that bad of a name?

"How bad could these wolves be? I'm gonna put out some milk."

Fun non-fact:

I'd like to think that when THIS gentleman gives out an F, it's considered a D+.

Man, this guy Dowd likes EVERYTHING. I guess there's a reason he's not called D- D- Dowd.

Take a thin cut of steak like ribeye or skirt or flank. (Or pound a thicker cut flat.) Then batter it and fry it. Serve it on roll with avocados and tomato. (or not.)

Yeah, Yokohama Chinatown's a cool place. Each one there generally has a buffet where you get to eat as much as you want from like 60-120 dishes. All my Japanese friends unanimously agree that those places all suck, so I've never tried one. (I'm not at the level of anti-social where I'd eat at a buffet by myself.)

You gotta wonder why America doesn't fucking love the shit out of a milanesa.

Gump was a big celebrityyyyy, he told JFK that he really had to peeee!

At four bucks a pop, you'll soon be going broke-a.