
All About the Pentiums is great. Especially because Puff Daddy was such a mock-worthy target.

If that's the case, I totally agree. Jasmine tea is terrible for cutting through grease. Maybe it's the heat? Lack of carbonation?

In some of the comments up there, I've noted my objections, the main ones being that it speaks of itself as being definitive, and has a section on localization, yet interviews nobody who would have been involved in the actual localization if you compare it to the list of credits. The only one presented in the

My contention is that, those things you mention are interesting and important. That part of the work is great.

Reading actually isn't that hard. Maybe you should try it sometime.

While being super long-winded and snarky, your post doesn't come anywhere close to addressing the disconnect.

Reading actually isn't that hard. I mean for most people.

Gee, it's almost as if I'll have to wait for someone who was writing a long-form article or something to come along and ask those questions of the people who worked there.

Huh, that's weird. I don't see Alexander Smith's name anywhere here on this list of credits for Final Fantasy VII on Playstation or PC. Know what else is missing? An IT department.

Look, I needed to know that the Native American guy was Native American. The scene where he gets off a helicopter where he had access to all the liquid refreshment he could ever need, sets one foot into the jungle, and then cuts a hollow vine so he can drink water out of it is absolutely essential.

There's an entire scene where Dark Helmet roleplays out his feelings about the women with his action figures!

Why would we want questions answered that we can just make assumptions about?

You're mixing platforms now? UGHH!

I highly disagree with your assessment of the article, and that's kind of why I hate it so much.

That is not true, Fact Robot.

I hear Kanye's gonna write the main theme, "All of the Sucks".

No, you idiot, it's Sheng Long.

That oral history pissed me off. The Polygon guys billed it as a history of the game by people who were there. Well, I count a grand total of 1 programmer in the PC section, and a grand total of zero localization people in the section on localization.

I think you're misreading his comment, and he only intends the "not" to modify "main character".

Uh, in 1942, shouldn't she have been "Nurse Poison"…with gams like those?