I was saying Die, Antwoord, Die. They can't fucking rap, they can't fucking act…
I was saying Die, Antwoord, Die. They can't fucking rap, they can't fucking act…
He paid for those! With stolen cars…
No. But he does end up with a shitload of PS4s.
Here's what I predict happens. Bachman does something to get the fuck outta Coderag. Gavin Belson figures out what Bachman did, and buys the journalistic integrity back from the site. Bighead ends up with a shit ton of money from the purchase.
"O, the Bachmanity" is getting said at some point during this series.
No, show discussion comes after.
It seemed very apparent that she was deliberately needling him. That's why she kept looking up at him and asking if everything was ok while she was doing it, why she immediately knew what he was upset about when he finally broke, and why she ended the argument by hammering the space bar.
You don't remember when they toasted earlier this season, and made a point to show Jared dumping his drink back into the bottle?
This isn't because of that, or at least not directly. Many of us programmer types put 2 spaces after a period because we're older, and when we were kids, we were taught how to type on a typewriter.
Here's my prediction. Jorah's going to lead an army of unkillable Stone Men against the White Walkers.
That's not what the article says he did.
"But Louis CK feeds on humiliation like a hummingbird on nectar, and he came back in the Daily Double to win with $18,399."
"If that’s a pretty low comic bar for a satirical comedy show to clear, it’s also one that SNL has banged its head on more often than not."
I really liked this episode until the Gavin Belson call ended.One of my biggest pet peeves is when something is shown in text on screen, and then someone thinks that it's a good idea for the text we all just saw to be read aloud verbatim.
+$400,000 GoFundMe page.
There's a single mom in there as one of the social links, but advancing hers doesn't result in anything other than you fostering a stronger relationship between her and her adolescent son-in-law who totally does not knock you out when you make his mom cry.
Yeah, I think because the parents were going to have to co-open it, it didn't really matter.
I do think there is a cumulative effect of actual heat and spice heat, which makes me avoid things like spicy soups. I could see spicy things just tasting better when they are cold.
I ate a dish that featured what they claimed was the world's hottest pepper. (2 million + Scoville units, on average) I finished the dish, and felt all right. I was figuring I'd go into to work the next day, and around 8 am, that plan had to quickly be scrapped.