
Actual good job, Internet. :)

This is actually a less funny version of an Onion Sports article from 2008, Internet!

Brevity is the soul of wit, Internet!

I guess I'll rochamBEAU you for it!

Mike DeGrasse-Tyson would be an excellent Halloween costume/Twitter account.

Apocalypse Forestaller

Came to see giant robot fights. Saw CG WWE. Would not repeat.


I didn't like the idea of them attempting to ape the first one. So, unless the 4 new 'Busters are supposed to be related to the original 4, why have 3 White girls and a Black girl?

You might not like Twins…but it gave us this.

I actually rather liked the C-64 game. I'm not sure if it's because I beat it, and I felt like the accomplishment made it better, but I'm pretty sure that if I went back and looked at it now, I'd think it sucked.

Saw him here in California, and I was unfortunately seated next to a woman who took up 2/3s of my seat. (auditorium seating, no dividers) I honestly thought I was going to end up with some kind of thrombosis.

He'd probably toss it into a polka medley.

Yes. It's always bankruptcy.

You know what the worst part about the post-game interview is? That we need these insights SO BADLY we can't even let dudes put clothes on before they tell us why they passed instead of shot.

I have no idea how someone could go around thinking Metal Gear Solid has guards that are TOO smart. Especially ever since MGS: 4. My old roommate is way into these games, but when he watched me play through a level with my patented "Stealth through superior firepower and rocket launchers" style of covert operations,

This song is awesome. It has the same quality as a Micheal McDonald song in that you don't actually have to sing it well, you just have to do an impersonation of the lead signer at karaoke and it will fucking KILL.

He's like the inverse Michel'le.

What is bankrupted may never die!

It'd be more about the implication.