
The 3D characters have no "weight" when they're walking around. It's like they're ice skating on feet.

Really, Teti? First, you're a senior editor, and you don't even make a token attempt fix a headline that blatantly lies and refers to wheeled devices as hoverboards, and then you play a game with similar sounding name game with David Koechner, and you DON'T
throw in former Utah Jazz standout ERIC LECKNER?

Chambit: "Pick a card, any card."

More like Bob OLDenkirk.

I don't think expulsion should have been the first reaction to thinking someone brought a bomb to school. Like, disposing of the "bomb" should have been step 1. Sort all the rest of the particulars out after the fact.

Not gonna lie. That thing kinda looks like a bomb. I can see that as a reasonable reaction.

His best work was done on the Top Gear track.

Is this the first series where the spin-off is going to merge things into the series?

This just proves to me that there aren't enough non-White people in movies.

I mean, he'll get total enlightenment on his deathbed, so at least he has that going for him.

You can be excused for not knowing this, seeing as how the ANW guys are purposely vague about any phase of course completion, so they can say things like, "The oldest man ever to complete the course!" or "The first woman to get to this phase!"

American Ninja!
Stay away from meeee~
American Ninja!
Stay away from meeee~
In the nights you go out assassinatin',
I don't want you to catch me masturbatin'!

Dude. That's their word.

Now That's What Those Kids Those Days Called Music!

I sort of cared about the America's Cup, and then I realized that it's just contested by a bunch of merc sailors who head over to whichever country is willing ti build them the $250 million boat they want. People want to complain about how nobody has any loyalty and doesn't play for the love of the game, the America's

Why did you ban Alien Ant Farm's version of Smooth Criminal, but not the Michael Jackson version?

I'm pretty much with you there. Came to see giant robot fights. Ended up seeing terribly choreographed CG wrestling moves.

"I freaking loved Pacific Rim, but I almost started to hate the movie
after hearing so many people sanctimoniously go on about how Rinko
Kikuchi's character was the most feminist, empowering character Of All
Time and that critiquing that movie's gender roles at all was OBVIOUSLY
just missing how truly superior it was

Well, he's certainly not Terri Garr.

Well. You know what they say.
Some day somebody's gonna turn around and make you fry.
Until then are you gonna let 'em hold you down and make your cry?
Cuz you know we're open late, here at Chik-Fil-A~~~~
But we're all cloooooosed down on Su-un-day.
(Closed on Su-un-day)
Closed down on Su-un-day.