

Porkster's where it's at these days.

Can I just have a lyrics version? Whoever's singing this is worse than like, at LEAST 25% of the AV Undercover people.

I'm sorry. I wasn't listening.

I always mentally replace some of the words in Eminem's chorus so instead of "nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gibberish" I'll sing, "nothing comes out when they move their lips, just a bunch of gefilte fish."

So true. Funny how it seems.

I thought the TSA sketch was terrible.

Except he's omni-present in the trailers. He's apparently in both characters' scenes.

This movie looks terrible. The trailers are just fucking terrible. LeBron James looked less wooden during The Decision.

Serious question to Will. How do you think you know a bit about Korean food and not have any idea what bibimbap is? It's like, the third most common Korean dish.

If it makes you feel better, I've just taken to calling them "Douchebros".

Sunk a fun couple of days into Massive Chalice, which is free for Xbox Gold subscribers. I highly recommend it at that price. The ending kind of blows, and there's very little incentive to replay the game. It's almost like, by the time you've tried to figure out all the broad mechanics of the game, you're too good at

You're saying that one parenthetical puts his entire body of work into…

You know what they say.

But it's been cured!

You may be shocked by the extravagance of the Tomb Raider area now, but in decades past, the gaming press in Europe were regularly plied with prostitutes at their trade shows there.

Fuck that. PLATIUM-schlager, bitches.

I think (and I don't juice, so I can only speculate here) that a big part of is that people don't like the taste. So they're using the juicer to "hide" vegetables they wouldn't normally be eating into their daily routine. You can gulp it down in a couple swigs, as opposed to having to stare at it on your plate.

What bothers me is how many of the fucking questions are WRONG. I've seen at least 10 questions where the question is "Which of these is X?" and two or more of the answers are correct.

I've never taken the train down for two reasons: