

Sometimes the magic just happens.


This looks fun. Adding to my wishlist!

No, it's "Hey, I have 4 places in between here, and where I'm going, which ones didn't I go to last time, which one is most likely to not screw up my order, and get me on my way in 5 minutes."

That's still not anything that sounds like is happening. None of the places I end up eating at, and the vast majority of the products I buy are ones that I ever see advertised. Pretty much the only time I go get fast food anymore is when I need to bring something to a party, or I need dinner and I'm on my way to RPG

I beat it using no other powers than the teleport to get the achievement, and didn't kill anyone…until the game's ending had been set in stone…and then I murdered the shit outta everyone.

I can't even say that anymore. The KFC around me is just terrible. If I get a bucket for a group of people, it'll be like 6 pieces of normal, terrible for you, chicken. And then the other 6 pieces will be just so oily that you'll swear Extra Crispy is original recipe.

Not really. She's probably like, "Oh shit, I need find something new to complain about!"

I'm not really someone who advertising works on, either. Occasionally, it'll trigger the urge to eat something, but it'll generally not be for the advertiser.

Fun trivia tidbit: Japanese people will generally hate the taste of both root beer and Dr. Pepper.

Yeah, but that's not what he says. He says he wants the cheese plate to finish. He says it twice. I think that I do not like this Uncharted 4 meal.

Bruce Willis is playing all of those roles.

These guys are the current MVPs!

I don't see finishing with charcuterie or a cheese plate. Maybe it's just me, but that's never really part of a full on meal, or it's the appetizer.

The legend only grows.

And there was an NBA player with the name Mookie Blaylock, whom Pearl Jam was once named after.

Got enough D6es there, Mr. Has a Lot of D6es?

Hope you saved up potions for the boss fight.

It's less gruesome when she keeps enduring it in the cutscenes, and then walking it off. Takes a thing of rebar through her gut in the tutorial area, is fine after mild bandages…