Return Of Samus

Fuck you, Jeff. You’re a shitty father.

Send that memo to Gawker so they remember that when they ridicule others for not seeing eye to eye.

I don’t think a “kiss of death” is sexual. You could say it’s intimate, in the “I’m going to kill you” sort of way.

Obvious exception being young kids who have not yet had the chance to learn these facts on their own.

That there may be people to whom which this is applicable and educational. (Obvious exception being young kids who have not yet had the chance to learn these facts on their own.)

That does sound better, but this whole thing seems like making a problem out of nothing. The whole Gawker blogoshphere excels at that, controversy increases ad revenue after all, but this instance isn’t as bad as other blogs within this blog family.

I think that picture sums up the biggest problem perfectly. It covers all the bases: Long range, insane damage, constant harass, and the invisible spear bug. It’s as simple as her spear toss being broken to an absurd degree.

I gotta tell you, that opening picture is not indicative of the talent in the rest of the gallery.

Thank god this absolute travesty was righted. I can go back to finding the next thing to be insulted and triggered by.

I voted for Bayonetta.

Why not R2-KT?

Obligatory "why the hell do people find enjoyment in this sort of lame thing..yadda..yadda" comment

You are right, I didn't saw the headline, I thought you were talking about the last sentence. My bad

Yeah, this hurts my heart a little bit. Foxtrot, Blackbag, and Fortress America to a lesser extent have managed to stay away from the "bend the facts to suit the narrative/joke" for the most part. I'd rather that not change.

2 pieces of advice (I was also cheated on by a man I was so in love with and thought was the ONE too).

Man, 2012 was not that long ago to have gotten over something so shitty. It took me a few years to get over being cheated on twice, and both were fairly run-of-the mill college relationships. It sucks not being able to trust, but you have to remember that many people are horny, and lots of people are selfish, so it

Those cheaters cheated because they are awful people. It has nothing to do with you. I hope you know that by now :)

This is heartbreaking. The only thing that makes it bearable is how completely you are able to own and express your feelings about it, rather than descending into misogynistic rage like I've seen a lot of guys do after a girl fucks them over. I very much doubt you were/are a shitty boyfriend, and as much as it must

As a female gamer who would love to see more playable female characters in video games, can you please just not with the whole "two female fighters tearing each other to shreds in an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, cartoonishly-violent fighting game is much more worser than two dudes doing it?" Like, it's great that

The video has over six million views (i.e., it's popular); it deals with the Superbowl (i.e., it's topical for today); the piece needed some kind of a critical feminist theory angle, and no one in the video does or says anything explicitly misogynist or unenlightened... and so with a little mental gymnastics and