Thanks for reminding me how old I am.
Get ready for Ubisoft’s big press conference, which should be chock full of news on The Division,Rainbow Six, and roughly 17,000 Assassin’s Creeds, each for a different platform.
Didn’t the guy say multiplayer was running at 60fps? I took that to mean the whole package is not.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Project Natal taught me not to trust this kind of stuff.
No mention of Super Saiyan God in GT and The Pilaf Gang not remembering doing crazy shit like actually gathering up the Dragon Balls is proof enough that they are just ignoring Dragon Ball GT even if they aren’t explicitly saying it’s non-canon.
I think the eyes are more disturbing then any of the fatalities.
My favorite Illidan quote is his death cry when he charges into my team and I lock him down with Octograb for 3 seconds while the rest of my team blows him up.
Steam refunds are a thing now, and they’ve proven pretty divisive. Creators of smaller games are worried that the policy is too easy to exploit. But what do the numbers say?
It doesn’t matter if it’s a religious movement or not, you’re deflecting. I gave you an example of hateful people on the fringe of something that I assume you don’t feel represent the whole.
Man, I think everyone that plays the game wished it actually worked like that. But unfortunately, min maxing beats everything else.
Is this where you deflect because you can see my original point that judging something based on disgusting extremists isn’t the best way to go about something?
Well I’ll freely admit, most of my knowledge comes from the old animated series. I recently got back into comics when they rebooted the New 52 and picked up most the bat family books (Batgirl and Batwoman are my personal favorites, but I like the plain Batman line as well, I didn’t get into the other spin off Batman…
But this outright code against superheroes, any guy who wears long johns can never ever kill anybody, I just feel like that’s a little bit artificial. It made sense when comic books were definitely aimed at young kids. But the comic book audience has grown up over the years.
Ah, I see. Then I agree, it's probably best not to use novice voice actors for a small project. For every Dragon Ball Z Abridged ( is it weird that I actually like Team Four Star voice acting more now?) you have 10 horrible attempts at other anime abridged.
Well to play devils advocate, good voice acting can also elevate a game. I can't imagine Mass Effect without Jennifer Hale.
Zelda as a series. Not any specific character.
They sure did a great job getting a lot across without using any voice acting. Maybe Zelda really doesn’t need any and can get by with very well done camera angles and such?
Do you think that all of Islam consists of American hating extremists because of 9/11?