I just spent the past 15 minutes trying to fool a bot into thinking blurry phone pics of my elbow crease were steamy photos of the world's greatest butt. That, in a nutshell, is Sext Machine.
I just spent the past 15 minutes trying to fool a bot into thinking blurry phone pics of my elbow crease were steamy photos of the world's greatest butt. That, in a nutshell, is Sext Machine.
Put that $300 in an IRA for long term, take it with your other savings and go Money Market, CD or another quick-turnaround or just spend it on whatever you want. Home improvement is always a viable option, adding value to most peoples largest investment. Or blow it all on cocaine and hookers. Seems to somehow work for…
Pre-ordering isn't an investment though.
I'm not a banker, why are you basing your numbers on 10 years? And how could saving money be worse then letting gamestop have it and invest it however they want while providing you no real service?
I have both. And a whole shit load of little toys to put on my controller (except they are still in the box so nevermind). And a huge unplayed steam library. This is the joy of being an adult, not having to make a choice.
Don't be smart and put your money into a savings account and collect the interest, give it to us and we'll do all the work for you! (collecting the interest, that is)
No one gets to choose what turns them on. People who watch gay porn didn't decide that is what turns them on, same thing here. It's all porn, this isn't a snuff film.
Control500 spoke to series art director Derek Watts, and he explained that it's all in the arc. There are arcs all over the goddamn place in Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3. Ships, armor, weapons, rooms. Even some whole characters, if you trace a line through them, are giant arcs with legs and calibrations to do so, sorry,…
Did they include a black iPad just so I couldn't make the joke "Of course Paula would own the white iphone?
Is the game telling me a story? Who is the person or thing that is haunting the person in the game? Who is the "we" referred to at the start? Whose lies are we not supposed to believe? Are people bashing their heads against a wall for something that's actually worth it? The only way to find out is to win, I guess.
Oh, I defintely agree that just calling it DPS doesn't make sense in the broad sense of things, that's just how the community started using it.
Jason Voorhees may always come back, but it's not until Jason Lives when he's supernatural. When someone tries to dig up his body, he's struck by lightning and gains newfound power. He's always been capable of extreme strength, but Jason Lives amps this up to an absurd degree. He's angry, brutal, doesn't hesitate, and…
Sustain is used to refer to someone who can sustain himself in lane, an extreme example being Dr Mundo. Sustained damage usually is just called DPS , spells that damage over time are DoT's and burst is burst.
You COULD exercise and eat better. But it's a lot easier to take Adderall and just watch the pounds melt away.
The Game Theorists make some cracks at what this could mean in their video—they reason that cops' responses have to do with how affluent their neighborhood is, relative to the socioeconomic status of the character you're controlling (and that this explains why Michael gets attacked the least number of times). I'm not…
It was all in good fun man, not being serious. And OF COURSE I have dark fetishes.
Every sentence in that paragraph was equally disturbing.
Promote =/= inspire
It doesn't promote anything. Does Dexter promote murder? Does Batman promote vigilantism?
Thanks for actually taking a minute and take into context the meaning of the post. Here I am calling a Kotaku editor, GG's sworn enemy, a hypocrite, and half the responses are people calling me a feminist?