
One of these assholes certainly got off easy, even after committing one felony after another and violating terms of parole. This prison industrial complex just isn’t what it used to be.

The guy who calls charging in a pick up game.  

It is my feeling that this guy deserves death, but the government is too incompetent to handle the basics of governance, so it is certainly not competent enough to pass along a punishment that can’t be reversed.

Say what you want about Lisa’s strategy, at least she didn’t have to hang with Milhouse during the vacation

Serena would probably be top 15 if Kerber followed Crockett’s advice to fake an ankle injury and punk out of the match.

I don’t know if she has the height of the average fashion model, but she certain has the looks and the poise of one.  

Big Mama looks like the kind of broad who would consider Deadspin writers to be pussies.  

Yeah, it isn’t cheating if that is your agreement. But I know a guy who convinced his girlfriend that they should “be mature and be free to date other people”, simply because he wanted some strange.

Yeah, but to be fair, Monique spent a good portion of her coverage saying stupid things like this:

“Who Gave This Asshole $6.5 Million to Launch a Bro-Tastic Lady Site?” asked Sam Biddle in 2013

The Carters don’t need to buy this site,  it seems like it is already on their payroll.  

You know how I know you know nothing about white people? These kind of white people would never be caught dead eating Papa John’s. They are on their way either to a clam bake, or to an expensive sea food restaurant where they can dine with their own kind. No rednecks allowed where they go, just upper middle class folk

Maybe they were nice to you because you were visiting. The French don’t really treat their Muslim citizens all that well, the Germans treat its Turkish citizens like garbage.

I said, ‘No, you don’t, you could shoot me the way you shot Claudia Gomez and killed the trans woman,

Give this money to that kid in NC so he can go to college.  

He should recheck those numbers, according to this, he would not need nearly another $40,000, especially if he lives at home. His tuition should be covered.

The white people who do this are the same kind who will open any conversation with a black person by saying “I voted for Obama twice”.

You should head to the US-Mexican border and inform all these people who are entering the US that it really sucks here and that you know better than them about how things really are.  I am sure they will thank you for keeping them from making a huge mistake.  

You sound like someone who has never heard of Iran or Egypt.

If the US was really the 10th worst place in the world for women, there would be a massive flood of migrants into Canada and Mexico from the US.