
It is natural to want to minimize the sins of those who we like or who we agree with, though it is hypocritical. So people should probably learn to turn down the outrage machine when someone they don’t like does something stupid.

They are shit bag teenagers, they probably don’t have any money. If you win the suit and get all they own, you get 2/3 of a cell phone, and your attorney gets the other 1/3.

Oppression has turned into currency, so you make something valuable, people want it. The oppressed, if they play their cards right,  are often met with open arms and open wallets.

No, you are wrong, 16.74%, a real workers’ paradise.

Not sure you want to make your argument on socialism based upon Spain, it has just about the highest unemployment rate of the industrialized countries.

Maybe hijack Revenge of the Nerds this time?

I wonder if playing doubles like this so close to returning is rough on her. Perhaps if she makes Wimbledon, she should cut out the doubles. Might piss her sister off, but could be for the best.

Fans of the Clinton family have been telling themselves for years that all these all these allegations are done by nuts, sluts, or Republicans. It makes their team look bad so they don’t care.

Ironically, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, whose election victory was sealed mainly because of black women, voted for the bill.

So it is ok to be against gay marriage if it gets you something? Real profile in courage. Republicans aren’t bigots, they just oppose gay marriage so they can win a primary.

Biden convinced Obama to drop his bigoted policy stance on same sex marriage, maybe he could work that on Pence. Doubtful, but one never knows.

Yeah, a lot of these white critics who praise the hell out of Black Panther really need to stop opening their reviews with “Black Panther is the best movie of the year, oh and I would have voted for Obama a third time if I could.”

The reviews on Ghostbusters were really dubious. That was not a very good movie (though I was not even a fan of the original). I got the idea that there were a lot of reviewers who were afraid to say it was a lousy movie.

Yeah, makes you wonder what his Kinja handle is here are The Root.

It’s also instructive in looking at the 47% as well. Look at the women protesting busing in the 70's in the picture and look at what Sam Bee thinks about sending her kids to school with kids she considers less desirable.

I’m surprised this isn’t a bigger story. The first woman from Kenya to compete and in her first go round, she is expected to dominate all these countries that have won so many gold and silver medals in the past.

No, this isn’t whataboutism. You tried to connect a trait that is in every culture, country, region throughout the ages to make it only to white people or to sell outs who want to be white. I was pointed out that it has nothing to do with whiteness.

If it is all about whitism, then why is it so difficult from someone to move from Central America to Mexico.

If it is the same poll I read, even latinos wanted the immigration at levels that are less than what they currently are. So this is certainly not just white people, but facts hardly matter any more.

One would be way better off by not getting a diamond engagement ring worth thousands. Invest the money for your future or enrich the scummy diamond cartel.