returning the screw

It doesn’t fucking matter. Try again. 

You’re an idiot.

Nobody asks for shit. Such a stupid response. Don’t like it, don’t fucking see it. It looks cool. Always somebody bitching about something stupid. 

Your brain is already broke if you were confused by this.

Good thing nobody is making you watch it. 

Not necessarily. 

Live action Secret Wars is coming to Disney+. Though I don’t know how.

That’s stupid as fuck and fucked up. Nobody looks or seems anything. 

People crying about and using the term edge lord is tiring. 

Right? I don’t get this bullshit take on anything pop culture. 

Weird. I didn’t know any movie was necessary. 

Nah, it’s one of the easiest things to pull off.

It’s REALLY easy and there’s plenty of Youtube videos on it. In Thailand they had tons. It’s all basically the same. The secret though is the homemade sauce to dip in or pour over. That’s what makes some stands more popular than others.

He got what he needed out of it. He’s good.

 Nobody proved, refreshing the concept by sticking a mild-mannered everyman in the killing-machine role.

It’s almost as if they didn’t watch the movie. 

What is MENA?

We don’t have to see it to know it happened. Maybe it’s because only Van Helsing’s can do this. 

I don’t even know what those are.

That makes zero sense at all.

I thought I was gonna wanna read the books but that all sounds very tiring to me already.