returning the screw


Because not only men are against abortion. 

Yeah. Everything can. You can just not watch them and let people enjoy what they do. 

Theyare definitely not underrepresented in Hollywood. 

He is from England. 

What the hell does she know? It was written by the guy it was inspired by. 

The Sjop should show it. But to denounce him instead of celebrating him.

That’s why it's called snapping. 

You saw that he had problems of his own,  right?

I’m a pacifist. Calm person. But the second out of two fights I've been in I raged and punched this digger in the face over fifteen times. 

Then they’ll complain about fan service that doesn’t serve the plot.

Hows that any different that all the countries that “rule” the world have  better weapons, more money and/or nukes?

A Greg Abbott ad on top of a Beto ad on an article about a slasher movie about the porn industry? Weird.

And yet. Here you are.

It’s a pork chop with onions and peppers on a bun. How's that look gross?

His seven penpals are the Thunderbolts.

No. What is the issue? Because whomever Gunna is, he's certainly not in jail for just lyrics. 

I watch it on my Firetstick. 

Well, the series isn't called "Mallory" soooooo.

S0 what do they get at lunch, assuming regular employees get a free lunch still? Money?