Return of DaOtter

@Captain Fish, PhD (c): Oh contrare, in the professional market, their stuff is practically clearance-priced.

@RedEye: Guess you'll just have to stick with the Porche Cayenne if you just gotta have overpriced shitty SUVs.

@JFParnell: My former boss was Nigerian, and more than a couple of my college friends and my former roommate have lived over there, and yes, I can confirm that while my boss was civilized, that country (and most of Africa) has some fucked up values system. They have almost no sense of personal ownership if it

@MitchSchaft: This is easily the weakest attempt I've ever seen at fooling an audience. Shame on them. All you have to do is be on the edge of the crowd, and it's fairly obvious.

The visuals of a show are very important, especially for the harder rock shows. I haven't worked a show where they've faked the stacks, though, and I know this because I hooked them up myself.

@Ben Zvan: As a matter of fact, all of them were.

@brijazz: Corollary: Any technology which is distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

@nikefreak252: Actually, this is a really, really good idea. I mean, you've got just enough time to pull it if you fall, right? Maybe? Still, better than nothing.

@OMG! meatbag_: Not so much yet. We haven't come up with anything else that doesn't sound retarded, so you're still safe.

@bosrican: I know the pros may say it's good, but I would have a really hard time trusting it myself. I know the physics involved in resonant instruments made of differing woods, but a plastics-based composite? Plastics have always sounded like crap before, so I'm hesitant.

@vic06: No, they're not. Both are federal offenses.

@Annalee Newitz: See, though, neither is the article. He can't adequately deconstruct the article because there's no substance.

@milrtime83: That must be why the State Troopers in TX are mostly using lasers now, because they know nothing. Good luck explaining that to them when you get lit up.

@failure_to_communicate: Fuck the squirrel. It's a fluffy-tailed rat. Replace the spinning with electric shocks, and I'm all over it.

@rototrack: Zuul, motherfucker, ZUUULLL!!!

@hawkeye18: I'm mining Vespene Gas as fast as I can, dammit!

@Flail: This is the most post evar.