
So because someone is addicted to alcohol I can’t have a beer every now and then?

So basically people with no self-control or realistic outlook on their own means and/or needs. Like black friday, or every sales sign everywhere, or cigarettes, or every other damn business known to man. I’m sorry that sounded harsher than I intended. But I lose interest at the ‘cosmetics’ part because you have

Jesus. Nobody is forcing you to spend money on anything. The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification. Here’s a suggestion for those who feel like they are being victimized by optional, often completely cosmetic microtransactions. It’s going to really

Shit, I wasn’t trying to mansplain lol. But I think I proved my point with the responses I got from everyone. Good and Bad.

Stop being such an overly sensitive, priviledged, sheltered little prick. This is not stopping humanity from fixing its issues. Economy is. Politics is.

Case in point. Sure, if you take what I said at face value. The problem is that people have developed this over sensitivity too literally anything. There are an unlimited number of problems, but if people weren’t so sensitive we would be considerably more productive in our quest to fix other issues. Why the hell does

Why does this song always get attributed to Shrek? Wasn’t it in Mystery Men first?

You’re forgetting that cartridges are far more expensive to manufacture, the more memory you use the more pricey it gets. Games then were also less profitable than they are now where most are sold globally where before more would be region exclusive or released in limited quantities.

Yup me and my team always killed any Doc that was using that cheat. We wanted a fair game played and going 4v5 was better than having a cheater.