
First pennies, then small woodland animals. When will the madness stop?

I was thinking of things like taping pennies to your eyelids and blinking repeatedly. Maybe add pennies to your flirtatious winking game?

I too suffer from blonde eyelash syndrome. I also have very fair, skin which ensures that the morning bags under my eyes are purple if I don't put on concealer. Add in ponytail and throw a knit cap over the whole thing so you can't see my hair, and people look generally concerned about whether I can make it to my

Unreciprocated flirtatious winking is on that list.

Blond eyelashes unite!

Team invisible eyelashes UNITE!

Without mascara, she reminds me of Joni Mitchell a little bit.

The makeup artist just didn't contour Uma's face in a way we're used to seeing, and used minimal eye makeup. But of course, being a woman, Uma's face is always up for judgement. There's nothing wrong in saying, "Uma, your makeup is terrible," (as it is simply an opinion) but saying that her face is jacked is messed

This is a classic example of hearing "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ILL? YOU LOOK AWFUL" all day when you forget to put on eyeliner.

When I don't wear mascara people ask me if I'm dying of stage 4 cancer, so Uma, I feel yew heavy.

I feel you, Uma. No one recognizes me when I don't wear eye makeup, either. The curse of being a blonde with basically invisible brows and lashes.

...the more than likely deeply ethically questionable It turned up in my newsfeed ads and I HAD TO HAVE IT.

If I wanted to also wear that a lot, where might I look for it? Hypothetically.

I admire your taste, you bitch.

And even then, what's the insult? "You looked cute in this swimsuit one time. Ha-ha, nailed you."

like what a weird fight

Everything about that explanation is super depressing.

God help me, but I wanted to walk out. I almost chewed off my arm just so my date wouldn't know I walked out. I swear, if she wasn't my wife, I would have.

That explains a lot. He was all sweet in the beginning, then funny, and then just confused.

For those who are curious how this actually works, from the New Zealand Herald: