
This is what’s sad for me - there are women who haven’t had these kinds of experiences but I have. Once I was with friends and we were talking about rape and I said “I kind of sort of was. Not really” and they just stared at me. So I talked about the situation. An abusive boyfriend had a key to my apartment. I went

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

Thank you! I don’t know why we talk about “fight or flight” but never freeze, which is far more common.

This is really good, thanks for sharing. These aren’t easy things to think about without getting shouted at from one side or the other, and the honesty is refreshing.

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…

If you have a chance, check out the HBO program “Talking Funny,” which is an hour-long conversation bewteen Gervais and Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and Louis CK. Gervais produced the program, so it was his idea to include himself in a program about the most famous living comedians. His simultaneous professional

I’ve seen that a bit from formerly fat people, both famous and not. I can only imagine that it comes from some major feelings of insecurity. I am embarrassed to say that I even exhibited a bit of that when I lost a lot of weight. I wasn’t such a putz that I verbalized my feelings but every time I made some negative,

This x 1000. I used to think he was adorable; shortly after the weight loss I tried to watch a new stand up show that he had when my mom was visiting. First he did about 10 minutes of fat women jokes, while my mom and I kept awkwardly glancing at each other, with eyebrows raised, both thinking, “this isn’t funny,

I’d be inclined to agree, but a lot of trans people have stated that using their pre-transition name, even not in malice, is very often hurtful. The point of transition is that you become who you authentically are. So in essence, calling a trans person by their pre-transition name is like accusing them of faking - or

Unfunny man tells unfunny joke =/= is transphobic/racist/etc

Wouldn’t it be better for everybody if we asked people to make better content and write better jokes, and hold them up at the level of quality, rather than accuse every tone-deaf misstep of hate and prejudice?

Yeah. There’s outrage humor, which I personally don’t find funny but I get the point of it. And then there’s tired jokes about women drivers and how weird it is when men wear a dress. I think he failed at everything he was trying to do here, really.

Now playing

The Liam Neeson/Warwick Davis clip is an all-timer.

not just the caitlyn jokes. also the transparent star jeffrey tambor and his little dig about eddie redmayne in women’s clothing. he was just PILING the transphobia. it isn’t funny. it isn’t clever or new. and it’s especially disheartening at a time when trans folks are finally finding some time in the spotlight. and

This. I wasn't offended but I laughed AT him. He's just That Guy™ now.

Yeah, I don’t really know what he’s doing... I started following his FB page a couple years ago because I liked some of his roles. He posts a lot of animal welfare and anti-trophy hunter stuff, which is cool, but then he like... comes out of left field with some really insensitive and not funny things.

Exactly. If he had made a joke about Caitlyn Jenner that poked fun at her as a person instead of her transition,that would’ve been fair game.

When they announced the show I was like, man, if it’s half as good as the movie I’ll love it. Then it was even better...

Seriously! I tried so hard to get people to watch during the first season with no luck whatsoever. Then season 2 came along and turned me into the annoying guy that wouldn’t shut the hell up about his favorite show.

Oh god we could only hope...that would be a hot, beautiful mess.

Christian Bale “lectures young fans about being rude and intrusive” to the point that “tears stream down their faces.”