I have a Molly as well but she grew into Molly-Louise and her nickname is Lil Wayne.
I have a Molly as well but she grew into Molly-Louise and her nickname is Lil Wayne.
This might actually be one of the more insanely elaborate responses I've ever gotten. Please tell me you're also the one that posts about Angelina Jolie.
You seem like a wonderful person with a great world view
Meow look here, meow. We can't have this kind of thing going on, so stop that right meow.
"(which they tragically and inexplicably failed to title "Amy's Baking Company 2: Electric Bouzaglo"*)"
My theory: this is that this guy is just a complete douche and nobody he works with likes him, and some underling he's treated like crap for years and who he relies on to actually do the research and watch everything and then fill him in on it finally had enough and just started fucking with him "Yes, this new movie…
I can't believe nobody has made an app called iBleed
I've heard that it's pretty well known that the Queen likes to watch television. I hope she likes Downton Abbey, since there was nice little mini story arc involving her uncle. I hope DA goes on forever and if the show makes it to WWII they mention that the future queen served as a mechanic (true story!) Maybe Branson…
Regretfully, the wisdom-drenched words of Bill "Drunk Female Guests Are the Gravest Threat to Fraternities" Frezza will no longer be appearing on Forbes dot com. He was let go earlier today. He will be missed.
I believe the term "legalized sexuality" is used by whiny MRAs who feel like men just can't be men anymore... real men who tear off women's clothes in fits of passion and lust (regardless of her thoughts on the situation).
"My left leg! What happened to my left leeeeeeeeeg?" *drinks to dull pain*
Excellent inclusion of the ticking time bombs as well
I, for one, am glad that she specified that he's wearing shoes on BOTH of his feet.
Okay but can we talk about Snape's chest hair?
Right?? THE ADVERBS! Another article on the topic contains these gems:
The thing that makes me think this is maybe not a hoax is the author's ability to identify sexual tension where no other human being would be able to see it. Why is Hermione Granger suddenly a porno character?
I like to imagine that multiple black women have called him a punk and his oblivious takeaway was that they thought he was Ashton Kutcher.
I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.…