"If you answer no to all of these, you are not being shamed."
Amanda Seyfried seems like a good egg. And her pics with her dog are always delightful.
Is it really so hard to just be like, "Sorry guys, I don't know what I was thinking. I should have thought about how bad an idea this was, and I didn't. I'm sorry."
I do this like, every so often with my friends when I'm a thoughtless jerk. I feel like people would understand. Why don't celebs just come out and…
What gets me about this is that she was caught. Yeah, people commit fraud, but it's a crime. Fraud is not a reason to shut the system down.
Yeah, I get the vibe that the man can be snippy and it's ok, but Lindy should have been bowing and apologizing for not being the first one on the plane. Maybe it has nothing to do with being fat, I feel like it's more because she has a vagina. She was not sugar and spice and all that shit.
I feel like the only fucking person who read his absolute refusal to directly acknowledge you, only to follow that up with snide remarks under his breath, to be the passive-aggressive fight-starter that it was? Jesus fucking cripes, people. You walk up to a guy, and say, "sorry, that's my seat," and he acts like…
I actually wasn't grumpy at all! I was ELATED that I made it, because my phone/alarm died somehow while I was asleep (even though it was plugged in) and it was a miracle that I happened to wake up and glance at the clock 15 minutes after my car came.
Somehow, I think that the 'etiquette police' are simply using this as an excuse to fat shame. Oh, he got angry after you already apologized? THEN YOU DIDN'T DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, GOD LINDY WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?
No matter how polite we fat people are, or if we have the temerity to act like a "Normal" person, it will…
Let's clarify a few things! I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness. That's why I said "sorry," before I even asked the guy to move. I didn't touch him or get in his space in any way when I reached up to put my bag in the bin. I didn't "lean over him." In fact, I put my bag in the bin behind…
Please stay home when you have been puking or have a fever. Your getting to work is not more important than everyone else's health.
I despise this sort of intellectually lazy kneejerk hate.
It's pretty telling that the only way they can get all those false rape accusations they whine about is to manufacture them themselves.
I think people making accusations like that and silencing those who have experienced extreme things like this is a self fulfilling prophecy. Because you throw shit at it every time you hear it, you keep people from speaking up. Even when you say "I will give her the benefit of the doubt" you do so explicitly in order…
The thing I care most about is that Taye Diggs should be in this somewhere. He was the best thing about Chicago. Apart from that... people who can both sing and act, please. None of this "[non-singing star] took six months of singing lessons to prepare for the role" nonsense that has plagued so many musicals and made…
I'm not fat but am currently trying to recover from a pretty serious bout of B12 anemia from not eating properly in order to maintain my weight. You can make fun of me, because I honestly feel like an idiot.
Oh no! Fat women doing what they want!