I live in CA and I've never heard of "California pizza". Is that just pizza made in California? We tend to just make knockoffs of places that are actually known for their pizza. I LEARNED IT FROM YOU, DAD!!!
I live in CA and I've never heard of "California pizza". Is that just pizza made in California? We tend to just make knockoffs of places that are actually known for their pizza. I LEARNED IT FROM YOU, DAD!!!
Unfortunately I think that is a situation where you need to put the children first, and family politics second.
Ugh i wanna say more about this because i think its so great. Im just too drunk right now at cocktail hour on my only free day from sewing costumes for the Narnia play im dressing up. This has been a panic attack since September. Why am i posting this! Goddammit Vodka and rotisserie chickens.
Definite red flags. I spent the last few years in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault education. What I find works best is to keep reminding her that she deserves better. Point out disrespectful or harmful behavior, always in as neutral a way as possible and always leading back to how she deserves better than…
It's so awful, but the only thing you can do is be there for her. If you take a stand on this guy, she will more than likely cut you out of her life and thus lose a potential source of help.
The "I'm numb to it" set off a TON of red flags for me. You can't force her out of this relationship but please, please, be a supportive and understanding force in her life. Trying to break them up probably won't work, but when she tells you he said something awful make it clear you don't agree with his actions and…
Be there for her. Always know that you are there to help, but don't push her. She needs to know she has the option but don't make her dig in.
Are not the men who insist on wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts all the way through the summer behaving just as irrationally? Doing something to look good is not the same as doing something to look good for the pleasure of the opposite sex.
I also do the water thing. Even when I'm five feet from the fridge and he's upstairs. I think he's starting to resent me for it, actually.
Obviously. When my boyfriend and I were long distance I wore sweats with no underwear, no bra and a huge sweatshirt basically every day. I was also kind of depressed but the point is THAT is what I dress like if sex/men is not in the equation. It's not a pretty picture.
Holy fuck, your life is a tragedy.
There are plenty of guys in the mix, including one director and co-writer (I checked, just in case it was someone's mother's maiden name used as a girl's given name, and Hunter is most definitely a man):
you're not a real doctor.
"because your a bitch"
I'm always surprised when I read anything about Brittany Murphy's mysterious death that doesn't mention the fact that her husband died of the exact same symptoms several months later. And the mom died too, right? And they all lived together? SEEMS WORTH MENTIONING I DUNNO
I personally feel the cache of dating a woman of a particular race varies based on where you live in the US. In the Bay area, lots of cache for having an Asian woman. I'm from the South, and can't say I see too many black or white guys with Asian woman on their arm.