
Oh, no, I was agreeing with you. Sometimes it's easier to respond to the person you agree with most but then answer several comments at once.

I got your sarcasm, fwiw. Being an Asian-looking woman who also happens to be a native Californian, I've dealt with the stereotypes my entire life. I'm only half Asian, so as a kid there were all the stereotypes applied to my mother, questions about whether she met my dad in a brothel or at a poker game, etc. Super

It it was just about looking pretty there should be equal numbers of creepy guys who have fetishes for women of all races. B/c not all Asian are pretty, and they fall into way too many ethnic groups who look nothing alike to pretend like they all are universally one thing and possess most of the beauty in the world.

I have heard that phrase so much I wish I got a dollar every time I'd heard it. B/c that would be a lot of fucking dollars.

Haha, and it's worst on the kink dating site Fetlife than even OKCupid. It's right there in my FL profile that I lean Domme to all but a very specific profile and at least three times a week someone who doesn't fit that profile who will ask me to be their sub because "You can't really lean more Dom than sub you're

Mine too. It's take a number of years to separate him from this. His mother is the queen of guilt and it's HORRIBLE and so unlike how I was raised (you know, in a family where parents were there to support and protect, not make you feel like an undeserving piece of shit).

Yes ma'am - my husband was raised by an Irish Catholic mother while attending an all boys Catholic school run by priests in rural Ireland. I have to be so careful because he will become overwhelmed with guilt so easily, and I got my temperament from my father - the kind where you react first and ask questions later.

Asian woman here: If my OKC inbox was any indication, you are not picky. About 99.9% of the messages I received on OKC started with the sentence "I like anime..." or "I think Asian women are so hot" (I'd like to note that no where on my profile did I mention that I liked anime). It just seems like pickiness because

I think acknowledging it can be harmful to yell/spank/bribe is good. I also think acknowledging that in most cases, it won't seriously damage a child beyond all repair is good as well.

Yes, but what does it say about the quality of those messages? (Speaking as an Asian woman who has been on several online dating sites, yes I've received a crapton of messages, but rarely any that made me want to reply back to the person.) (But maybe that's because I live in Brooklyn and am too picky.)

Plus I think the "angry black lady" stereotype is so pervasive that people aren't willing to date black women because of it. Which is utterly unfair.

Omg this annoys me so much.

I know, right? I can see this guy meeting a girl whose favorite movie is Lost in Translation and has always wanted to move to Tokyo, and rejecting her because she likes making art and doesn't like cycling. Or he meets a girl who is into cycling and noise rock, but she's 5'2" and a redhead. Hopefully he'll mature to

I think it's positively insulting to both parent's and part of the whole language that needs to be fixed. Like a father is just a temporary caregiver on equal footing with an indulgent grandma or the neighbor's 15 year old.

The final scene was a bit superfluous, yes.

This is a discussion of systemic inequalities. It's not that men go out LOOKING for a domestically imbalanced partnership, but that's what they traditionally GET and benefit from, whether anyone wants it or not. And, by extension, that's how a lot of people (men and women!) unconsciously expect their relationships to

I think they already made this movie.

Is that what it is? I knew something was funny - I always check comment history before replying, and there were wayyy more burners than normal. Troll party!

This reminds me of something I read somewhere, where men and women were both asked what their "comfort foods" were. Men tended to answer with things that are labor-intensive and/or complex to make - lasagna, meatloaf, fried chicken. Women tended to respond with convenience foods that don't require preparation -