A woman gave birth to an elephant?
A woman gave birth to an elephant?
There was one lady in my neighbourhood who gave out juiceboxes. Healthy, with the added bonus that pveryone went to that house because all the candy you ate while trick-or-treating made you really thirsty.
I bet you don't even own a television. Tell me all about who you think is the most underrated beat poet.
Haha. I like your commitment. You're alright, kid.
I concur that this is a stunt, which is exactly what I thought this morning when I got all the spammy emails hyping it. I call stunt.
He has a good beard. His beard, its good.
As a fat person, I'm not surprised. I mean, any time there is an article here or anywhere about say, plus sized fashion, you get legions of people who think that letting fat people have nice things and pretty clothes and not telling them every minute that they are disgusting, lazy, pieces of shit just encourages them…
No. Some things are moral absolutes.
That is really interesting and I had no idea about any of that! I knew that the ocean is being over-fished and it's harming the environment, but had never considered the impact of farming mollusks. I assumed it was the same.
And, fortunately, mollusks are FUCKING DELICIOUS. My in-laws friend has an abalone farm... which is basically just a floating dock in a bay in NoCal and the abalone grow live happily on recycled road signs which can simply be lifted out and the little suckers peeled off when it's time to eat them. (which they did for…
Luckily, Black people do not share a hive mind, and we are allowed to have differing opinions on things. I can be offended by something that some other Black person has no problem with, and that's o.k.
The 'healthy' angle is only one of the reasons that people choose to eat organic (and feed it to their kids and pets). Articles like this completely overlook the fact that lots of people 'go organic' in order to reduce their toxic footprint on the planet.
Considering all the disgusting things we find out about commercial pet food, it's probably just people trying to do what they can to not feed toxic sludge to their pets.
Sigh. The perspective in this article is disappointingly limited and out of date. Eating organic (by humans or animals) isn't just about health outcomes. It's also about the environment. I totally agree that people are ga-ga for their pets and humanize them in ridiculous ways, but a little more research and…
Right. And what worries me is that when we dramatize every, single idiotic thing a famous person does, people get outrage fatigue. When an actual harmful racist comes along (generally someone who is not so famous), people aren't interested anymore.
Have to agree with you there.
And even false accusations aren't necessarily made with malice or the intent to RUIN A POOR MAN'S LIFE. It's very possible to accidentally mistake one attacker for another, especially if drugs or alcohol were involved. It doesn't mean the victim wasn't raped, it means she pointed out the wrong guy. Which y'know,…
Oh, no, you didn't sound like you thought that. Just agreeing and adding another thought.