
Likewise. At least I can still weird people out by saying I'm off to "bail out the canoe" when I excuse myself to go to the washroom. That expression may always be mine.

I used to say it to my 3 male, stoner housemates and it'd always get a chuckle. Bar was set pretty low for entertainment in that house though.

Liz Lemon, a whore in the kitchen and a cook in bed.

My bf and I have been calling it Shark week since we met. lol

A-fucking-men, Lindy. To everything. I've always said that my decision to keep my name was based on 50% feminist principles and 50% laziness (it's seriously a lot of hoops to jump through to change your name).

When you spent time in the uterus, it was homey. When you spent time in the vagina, it was during the birthing process, which meant squeezing your noggin like a boa constrictor. Which was probably not all that homey.

Ugh. I don't want to think about it and you can't make me! :)

I'm having trouble with less significant issues, but trouble nonetheless — like the cable company refusing to work with me when I call (despite my husband calling FOR me to put name on the account — and this doesn't make me feel like a helpless little wifey at all, oh no) because the account is under his last name, or

As usual, Lindy knocks it out of the fucking park. I don't care if people change their names upon marriage or don't change them or how they combine or punctuate them or what they change them to AT ALL, but I hate this in-your-face stinky zombie sexist corpse idea that is still so prevalent in this country that this is

This is a really nuanced, well done piece. I'm glad you limited your attacks to the people making misogynistic comments, while separating it from the concept. It's okay for women to cook, as long as it's not expected because she's a woman! It's okay for women to take their husband's last name, as long as it's not

I'm assuming Lindy means that they would have to both agree on the name change. It would be an asshole move (and bizarre) if you aggressively took someone's name when they had strong feelings (as she notes that her current boyfriend does) against the whole practice.

I've called my period Shark Week for a while now, but I also have referred to it as having Communists in my Funhouse, so now my BF has started calling it The Red Threat...

The issue is not that he expressed an opinion, the issue is that he had to point out that it was a man's opinion, as if that somehow made it special or more important.

Although I do take issue with some of the things he said - see comments further up the page re: women criticizing women being less acceptable than men

I stalked her into an uncomfortable (for her) and glorious (for me) friendship!

Why don't I do this, cassiebear? Why. I have a blog. Why don't I act like a total fucking clueless douche, write some bullshit like this, get all over the blogs...I could get flown out to New York and stay at a fancy hotel. Maybe have some good pizza or something. Then I could go and yammer to an idiot on some morning

I'm at the point where I choose my face over my ass or abs.

Translation: im hot. Why arent you hot? Its not hard. I just wake up and then like boom! Im hot! How can you not be hot? I dont even try. It just like,happens.

Oh good... yet another person who acts like a douche and then gets rewarded with free publicity for their stupid, vacuous, fart-sniffing blog.


I really thought 'get laid haircut' was a euphemism for a bikini wax.