I just texted my bf and told him that from now on, sexy times was to be referred to as 'entering the vagisphere'. He was both amused and confused...which is exactly how I like my men.
I just texted my bf and told him that from now on, sexy times was to be referred to as 'entering the vagisphere'. He was both amused and confused...which is exactly how I like my men.
Thank you for writing your reply and posting the link to Amanda Hess's "It's the rapists, not the drinking." She has some interesting stats: female binge drinking went up as rape declined, most likely due to overall female empowerment and better reporting and enforcement of rape. I think that's pretty much game set…
I'm all for women being equal to men, but...
Manosphere? My poor data-crunching brain converted it to 'Manosaur', which seems appropriate considering how old this news is.
Both terms brought up mental images of hands in anatomically implausible places.
When I was 14 my dad sat me down for one of the most uncomfortable conversations of my life where he covered drinking, drugs, and sex. One of the most important things he said? "No means no, period, end of story. If you think no might mean yes remove yourself from the situation because it can't lead to anything good."
"If alcohol plays a role in so many rapes, then ostensibly encouraging men to stop drinking excessively would prevent rapists — and therefore rapes— from happening. Right?"
Your understanding of nutrition is AWESOME!
I've met many, many, many unhealthy omnivores too. ;)
What a great position to put the women in. Let a man sexually assault you or you don't support the fight against breast cancer. I was about to type "What's next?", but really don't think I want to know the answer to that. Can we please PLEASE PLEASE remember that breasts are not necessarily always there for the…
Safe to assume that this was the work of a straight-out-of-college stoner who decided on a whim to move to Japan to teach English, only when he got there he realized he had know idea what he was doing?
Crazy fact: Oreos are vegan.
Yes. Yes, I will do this for you.
I'm thinking that they're like thick Carr's biscuits. The bit about dissolving uric acid is interesting - gout would have been pretty common back then and it's caused by uric acid build-up. So these are marketed as a treatment for gout. And they're great with whisky!
In case anyone's curious, here's an excerpt from an article about how to make beef tea (there's many ways, obviously) of making beef tea from an article about food for invalids from an 1890s ladymag. and omg, please especially note the recipe for RAW BEEF TEA, which is when you steep a piece of raw meat in water and…
This also reminds me of Orange is the New Black, the majority of the cast members are minorities and women. It's a 1000x times funny then SNL.
First, who told Kenan he could speak. Shhhh, Kenan. Just shhhhhhhh.