
The Saint’s Row games, (at least the first two) had their poignant moments as well, like Carlos and Aisha’s fates in SR2, or Lin in Saint’s Row 1. Even Johnny Gat in SR3, at first.

thing is I actually kinda - did - like the game, gameplay wise. (It was Senran Kagura Festival vs.) I just found the whole tthing a little... cringe-worthy, I guess. Not for me. But yeah, I would never tell somebody what to enjoy

Is it too righteous to say I played a Senran game once, and it made feel like I needed to take a shame shower?

Look, I know this is weird, but I really, REALLY want to crack that open and smell it

Dude spends all that money; doesn’t attempt a decent cosplay

yeah, I know, he already replied and I get that. I explaned the clip because many people don’t KNOW the context

ugh, people always use that clip out of context to try to prove some point about how FFX or Tidus suck

So I assume this level is unpublished and we can’t attempt... You still need to beat it to publish it, right?

Not with a moustache

“You’re killing them and stealing their eggs? Oh no, who will save the poor, poor mutant salmon?”

You’ll know when it happens

Don’t power-level Aeris. Trust me on this

In Japan, You kill off Quarter Pounder

Sounds like they’re closing th barn doors after the cows have goteen out, those cows have moved on to college, gotten jobs, married their calfhood sweethearts, gotten mortgages, had kids of their own, and those cow-kids have also gotten out of the barn, and now I’m lost in a metaphor, but you get the idea.

Exactly what I did. I HAD a Switch Pre-order, then changed my mind on spending $300+ on what’s bascially a “Zelda Box” with iffy hardware. Took my pre-order money and got Horizon, and pre-ordered Nier and Mass Effect.

Guaranteed they’re saving the FF7 characters for a big push when the remake gets closer.

ALL the music in Brave Exvius is really good, actually, even by Final Fantasy standards

The fact that it doesn’t matter and isn’t integral is kind of the point

that’s 50 USD ...A YEAR, for six or so games a month. It’s a good deal any way you slice it.