

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

I was still excited about this reboot despite Roseanne’s politics but I just lost my excitement. Hard pass.

What the hell is pop? Where I am from we call it Carbev, short for carbonated beverage.

weed, LGBLT, choice, guns

If you need to receive death threats, it’s best to receive them from vegans.

I’m vegan for ethical reasons and try very hard to not be a preachy one.

They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?

...says the righteous little prick who just passed judgment on a group of people who made a diet choice for reasons he doesn’t know about and thinks their option matters.

And both of us have just decided not to read Yelp reviews any more

I console myself be remembering that all victories or losses are temporary, and ultimately, none of them matter, because in the end, you lose everything and everyone you care about, then you die. : )

Thank you.

How can any human not do that? And congratulations on kicking it.

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

fucking adopt, you damn egomaniacs. really, wth? it’s not even your genetic material, you just want to spit a parasite out of your body for bonding purposes?! adopt!adopt!adopt!

My favorite are the people who stop to discuss where they all want to go right after they get off an escalator.

The inescapable cloverleaf ALL DAY!!!

Exactly. Because once that child gets to the real world, her boss is absolutely going to reward her for her efforts instead of results...