

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

It has new features...Hand Gestures and APAS Advanced Pilot Awareness System

Really sick of seeing that sexist asshole’s stupid fucking face. Can we just not? Quit giving him any press attention.

And conservatism has alternative facts

Because reality has a “liberal bias.”

I recognize Super 8 still has a role in filmmaking schools as a tool to teach kids how to edit film,

Were you at Radio Shack? Cuz they always look like that... everyone that works there. I think it’s even in their slogan- “You’ve got questions? We’ll stare at you, blankly.”

You’re conflating a bunch of different things into one argument. Saying millennials helped Jones isn’t the same as saying African American women didn’t help. In this conversation about net neutrality, they’re just pointing out that millennials are voicing their concerns, just as AA are. Don’t make it a zero-sum game.

I was still excited about this reboot despite Roseanne’s politics but I just lost my excitement. Hard pass.

What the hell is pop? Where I am from we call it Carbev, short for carbonated beverage.

That’s just your cultural bias around the British butler tradition showing. It’s no different than the male/female bias. You associate servitude/helpfulness with the British butler stereotype.

Or just tell people to be skeptical of everything you read or hear. Who looks to politicians or political ads for truth? When has that EVER happened? If you do, then no legislation is going to help.

weed, LGBLT, choice, guns

They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?

Viewers are advised that what they are viewing is a spectacle and is not real and that the train will not, in fact, come out of the movie screen and run over them.

Exactly. Because once that child gets to the real world, her boss is absolutely going to reward her for her efforts instead of results...