
According to B&O's website it's $399 and the battery will play for 24 hours

I have a feeling that this kind of revolution will bring prices tumbling down and increase design and functionality as well

It's says the adhesive is "special" so that should do it, don't you think?

Isn't the answer to more space for beer always another refrigerator?

Yes she will look younger on a small screen, people forget how our large format HD doesn't hid all the ravages of aging. It reminds me of how Elvira went from sexy to a cartoon caricature over the years.

It would actually make a difference to me- that said it wold make it slightly easier then launching a new private browser every 5 article.

It takes over 70 pounds of force to bend one. So no, you don't have the right to do it with property you don't own.

Monoprice smoke case- $5.60

link I have a dual action Oral B that for around $10 made that made me forget about all the much more expensive version that offer very little extra to justify their higher price IMO

link I have a dual action Oral B that for around $10 made that made me forget about all the much more expensive

Silent right up till the first can gets dumped

If it is over $1000 it is doomed from the start

If I can buy a battery case with extra storage for $100 isn't that the better play?

According to many modern day scholars the Pyramids were built by paid laborers and not slaves. Also Jews did not build the pyramids as Hollywood and other would have you believe:

I all I can see is the coolest in home lobster farm ever

without lawn darts this list is incomplete

Great smiling shark graphic. That might have made them look cuddly if I hadn't been watching some shark week

This why I always join a hotel's loyalty program just to get free wifi

Anti drone or properly shielded drone with an EMP. If it were over your own property it might be somewhat kosher

How hard would it be to make a small EMP gun? Then it would be like Duck Hunt.

I can light up most a room with a Timex- I just can't read by it