
isn't the whole reason to have a tablet is to take it with you when you poo?

Could this give us organic solar panels one day?

If you have spent a 100k to 250k on a home movie palace in your McMansion this will absolute find a market. These are the same people who spend millions on private skyboxes and private jets.

Since Microsoft cannot innovate it's way to retain it's market share it must invent our new overlords.

Count me in - when it's on woot at $55-45 on close out

@buttnugget: isn't space chicken a game app on the iPhone?

I can see bars using this to screw customers out of a shot's worth of beer!

way to go Gizmodo! already almost $45k about $40k seems to have come from this article

@Raziel: Then have the scanner researched independently, if the risk is significant get rid of them- if not then you can always go fro the private screening.

I understand why this bothers some people but the fact that someone can see my kind of naked doesn't bother me all that much.It's done in gray scale and doesn't seem all that big a deal

Unless I'm Paul McCarthy or Yoko (who will get millions of dollars) I will not remember this day, even though I thought this is what might happen.

Never forget? The Beatles on iTunes, turning my craptastic 3g phone back into the usable phone i once had, reducing prices on Apple laptops so they aren't 2x as much a windows version.

See what happens when you purge yourself of negative thoughts- you do crazy things that get your stalled movie career more free pub.

I, for one, welcome our new chicken overlords.

Being There- Peter Sellers almost explains how Bush got to be president -decades before it happened.

Are they afraid that taking a picture of an airplane will take it's soul?

Oh well know it's sushi for lunch for sure

This isn't new, Hollywood has created many artificial stars with the laser range finders of paparazzi camera's for years.

What song is that? My soundhound gives me nothing!

Jobs should just buy a dealership- that way he could change cars and license plates all the time