The Doctor

Awwww. Those poor, persecuted Christians, you know, those religionistas who hold the majority religion in the US.

My fucks are reserved for things that matter.

Sorry. I don't have any fucks to give about this.

Not sure what that means.

I want her to step on my scrotum while wearing high heels and connecting jumper cables to my nipples.


Actually, I'm only here until The Walking Dead is on.

I'm here to see movies I've never watched win awards.

I need more King of the Hill.

Patti Smith has shitty taste.

You're looking for realism in a tv show?

That's not what I meant. What I meant is that the chain attracts peopleā€¦fitting for shopping at Walmart.

Dharma and 2 Broke Girls.

I would've thought that 2 Broke Girls was a Chuck Lorre creation with jokes like that.

Ahhhh, Starbucks. The Walmart of the coffee chains.

Touche, mi amigo.

Wrong. They're the ones who gave us eight years of George W. Bush, those same eight years that turned the US into the shithole it is today.

Excellent article. I especially like the last paragraph.

Who cares?

They'll wonder why we're obsessed with cats and Kanye West.