
People who run political party are biased toward a candidate with a long history in their party, rather than someone who wasn’t in the party until he announced he was running for president?

That stupid crap about bees not being able to fly pisses me off because idiots use it to prove how much smarter they are than those scientists, because they have “common sense”.

“Scientists” (as though they all speak with one voice) never said bees can’t fly. “They” said they couldn’t fly using the laws of aerodynamics

Did you read the article? They changed the dress code after the fact. I mean, brush up on the reading comprehension a bit if you want to call someone an idiot.

That leaves out two big ethnic religious groups

According to the article, the dress code changed after her boss said something. Pretty hard to read something that doesn’t exist.

Two things- first, if that first outfit was an example of her attire, that literally makes her boss a racist as nothing was wrong with that entire unless it was too “ethnic” besides the bandanna on her head, which is easily fixable.

Didn’t read the article? The boss changed the dress code after the fact because they didn’t want pony tails or head scarves.

“Damn the War of Ewok Aggression! The Sith shall rise again!”

Your mama’s so fat that I went down on her and when I came back up everyone else had aged 20 years.

The click-baity titles on all of these astronomy articles lately really need to stop.

I can’t believe I read the entire article and not once seen the name for this phenomenon: “Einstein Ring”

Your mama’s so fat the only reason I see anyone behind her is through gravitational lensing.

Awesome reply, thanks for your insight. I hope you have a good day.

Sure. Conservatives deal solely in facts, not “feelings,” right? They certainly wouldn’t dismiss facts as “views.”

I don’t understand, how could this gas be a million degrees? Wouldn’t it have quickly lost all of its heat through radiation? I doubt it would be dense enough to generate the amount of friction required to heat it to that temperature.