
No, I don't.

He didn't ask her to make coffee because he thinks that's her place. He's a loon who thinks he's allergic to electricity.

Ugh, the word "mansplaining."

Plus, he can crush coal into diamonds and then cut them with his heat vision. Try THAT one, rich boy.

Obama's not running in 2016.

And Hillary Clinton voters.

April 1? Okay, Danette. You didn't get it, but we do.

Fuck Hillary Clinton.


I liked the part with the CGI.

Don't worry. They're not going away. They're never going away.

History will remember this as the moment when everything changed…

Did anybody really think those two were just pals?

As opposed to what?

Why? Boys are better at science than girls are.

And anyone who says an accusation must be true because false accusations almost never happen isn't very good at math.

SO glad Mac jumped back into the closet, locked the door, and broke off the key in the lock. Out 'N' Proud Mac would've been about as funny as Fat Mac.

Holy crap, I'd forgotten that was him. That's awesome.

Oh HALE naw, you dih-int just drop me on the floor, I ain't tryna hear dat, etc.

Next he should do Seinfeld.