
And making Red Letter Media videos unwatchable.

Guy like Mike doesn't care what beer tastes like. It's beer.

Whenever Jimmy and Chuck have it out like that… Who would've thought that some of the tensest moments on TV today would be two old guys sparring about legal ethics?

Note to Ghostbusters: That's how you make a great trailer for a crappy movie.

Nobody would even remember it today. It's not like anybody's remaking Dr. Detroit.

Bingo. And without Bill Murray…

That's why people love Ghostbusters? Nope. Try again.

Then why don't they understand the reason Ghostbusters made so much money? HINT: It wasn't because of the action or special effects.

We'll stop when they stop.

You have to wonder how many of those views were from people rewatching it multiple times trying to figure out how this movie got made.

For once, insisting that the hero has to fight a giant spider in the third act might've made sense.

I don't care how someone who was trans would feel. Welcome to the world.

Then find somebody else to try to coerce, because it won't work on me. I'll quote this show all day if I want to.

I couldn't care less if you like the word "tranny" or not.

I'm glad you don't like me using the word "tranny" in a comment thread, which you are making a conscious decision to frequent, about the most vulgar show on TV.

It's not my problem. I'm not the one going to a comment section on "It's Always Sunny" and trying to play language cop.

Are you transsexual? If so, that’s fine by me. It’s not like I’m going up to you in public and screaming “TRANNY!” I’m quoting an incredibly vulgar TV show in a comment section about that incredibly vulgar TV show, and you’re going out of your way to read it. You’re searching for something to be offended about.

If people quoting "It's Always Sunny" is hurtful, you should quit hanging around in places where people talk about the show. You're only doing this to yourself.

"You know—to give yourself a little respite form the real world, where in no circumstance could a megalomaniacal blowhard get within sniffing distance of the highest political office in the land!"

Next season, I hope they bring back that tranny who was dating Mac.