
You're going around the comments on an It's Always Sunny review and scolding people for quoting the show? That's hilarious! Wish I'd thought of that one.

Okay, you're trolling. Good one.

I didn't laugh at this, but only because I hate women.

Do you even watch the show? How do you make it through an episode without fainting?

Dude, I don't care. We're talking about It's Always Sunny.

I remember there was the one where they went to the pro-life rally to get laid — this show, man — and then the girl told him she was pregnant and he begged her to get an abortion. So we know he's had straight sex at least once.

"Mick" is, of course, a fun slur for the Irish. Crazy Paddy crossover?

When did they start hinting that Mac is gay? Was it the tranny?

Mac Discovers Musical Theater

Okay, I wasn't gonna say anything, but… yeah. I guess listening to the Beatles was considered "Dad Rock" by '75 or so?

It's a skit.

Yeah, he kind of fudges it. Those guys would be in their 70s by now, but it's one of those "Shrug, whatever" things. The price of success. Who wants to read about Leonard trying to kick some redneck's ass and tripping over his own colostomy bag?

That eight-year gap between installments was rough, and the timeline is all messed up, but the new ones have been great.

In the books, I always pictured Leonard as a heavier dude. But hey, it's Omar!

That repartee between Luke and Danny kind of makes me think of Joe R. Lansdale's Hap & Leonard series. Looks worth checking out.

"Oh, is it a police procedural? I hope it's a—" [GETS HIT BY TRUCK AND DIES]

ALL Star Wars characters are gay.

"Opinions are not automatically worth sharing."

It's not an opinion unless you specifically preface it with the caveat that it's an opinion? That's an interesting opinion.

What a dumb title for a movie. Look, either it's destiny or it isn't.