“But the $64 million dollar question is, who put the voodoo on James Harden?”
“But the $64 million dollar question is, who put the voodoo on James Harden?”
Sigh, nothing is really making any sense at all... Imagine Trump calling someone a “showboat” & “grandstander”. And if the FBI has been in turmoil, how do you describe Trump’s White House?
I fell for the hype around the movie. Halfway through I felt hoodwinked - it was not what I expected. The ending was a disappointment.
Isn’t Lester Holt supposed to interview TrumPutin today? Oh boy, now i’m worried - things could get ugly knowing Trump’s attitude toward black folks - yes, Black journalists.. Let’s wish Lester Holt well.
On hearing of Comey’s firing, I immediately thought of Stephen and how he’d frame it. I am not disappointed! You cannot employ the usual tools or style of journalism to really convey this absurd moment that we are living through. It’s not enough to simply scratch or shake your head at the madness, you need an…
Talk about bad optics, but they don’t give a damn..
from day one everything about this administration has been surreal.. from day to day to day it’s even hard to catch your breathe.. in a similar situation President Obama would have been impeached after his first two weeks, or less.
Kellyanne Conway.. Steve Harvey.. Nah, Omarosa.
Paint me suspicious.. This has everything to do with the Russian investigation, not the Hillary emails...TrumPutin isn’t fooling me one bit.
Yea, making the White House truly white again...
I think YOU think that you’re “emotionally older than 19"... Nah, you’re mistaken, not even close.. and I think it’s gonna take a while yet.
That’s ok, i’m a fan of Hannah Arendt too...I don’t think my language is vague: I specifically said accepting money from the masters of the universe who are directly tied to vulgar capitalism is unacceptable, and furthers the cynicism around politics today.
I get your point, but a former president being paid $400,000 for a speech by the same vultures who rigged the system against us all, must not be rated ‘item 1078' - it ranks instead at the top and is symptomatic of the problems wrecking our political & financial systems.
President Obama has the right to make as much money as he wants, but I reserve the right to point out that this payment is exactly what’s wrong with politics - and another example of how corrupt the entire system is. If we are gonna give him a pass because he’s black, then we are in deep trouble - this is black…
She loves her father, good for her....And a well constructed statement too - almost too race neutral (deliberately?) for my taste... It’s a pity Bill Cosby didn’t think of his wonderful daughters as he went around drugging & violating other people’s daughters...So much for the “personal responsibility” nonsense he…
under his watch it was a pretty nasty place - even then there were complaints.. I think he is still executive chairman.. To be fair, he did donate to Black Girls Code so..
Congrats to Serena... But count me among those still confused that Serena has hooked up with the guy who co-founded Reddit - one of the most racist/white supremacist sites.. Didn’t that give her pause?
Geez, a real bottom-dweller!
Excellent analysis and context. When I heard of today’s shooting at the Champs- Elysees I knew it would help Marine Le Pen, unfortunately.
Well well, Ted Nugent was at the White House. How low can they go?.. In addition to his base bigotry didn’t he also threaten the life of President Obama? I must be missing something..