Great News!
Great News!
Yep, Giselle’s fingerprints all over this one
LOL... I mean, Seriously?
hahahahahaha, stop!
OMG, I think i’m the only one who enjoyed that film. I felt the black and white made everything seem lavish & breathtaking, if a bit exaggerated. Maybe if it was shot in color it would have gotten a better reception. I think Prince also had a say in directing the film.
They are so in-your-face and brazen about it that many folks can’t imagine there being something questionable or corrupt going on..
Yea, I get you.. I was a bit reactionary on second reading. My apology.
Religion should have died on the vine. It’s probably the worst scourge inflicted on humanity. Worst yet is the colonization of the image of “God” by white supremacy and its lasting negative effect on Black folk.
Religion should have died on the vine. It’s probably the worst scourge inflicted on humanity. Worst yet is the colonization of the image of “God” by white supremacy and its lasting negative effect on Black folk.
He has put into words the dating attitudes & lives of many black athletes, intellectuals, and especially artists. They have nothing but contempt for dark-skin Black women. They have nothing but contempt for our ancestors whose skin tones they are now ashamed of. That hatred of the black skin is now exaggerated in Hip…
Personally I find this an insult to the memory & meaning of Rosa Parks. Ms Parks spent her whole life struggling against the pillars of institutional white supremacy. Only those who do not understand Rosa Park’s history or what the Civil Rights movement was all about, would make such a dumbass comparison.
Trump has gotten hold of these white supremacist toys and he’s gonna use them.
“off and weird” indeed... The madness just continues - takes your breathe away.. I don‘t see Spicer surviving this one - too tasteless.
You are correct, except I think the one in Curacao is older - I think the oldest in the Americas.
Why are we surprised by this? Lee Daniels has always traded in black pathology & dysfunctionality. He does not care about black folks.
ha, you must have taken copious notes! The first image (national park) touched me.. Great eye, Yesha!
since you’re the beach type, next time do Magens Bay in STT or Hawksnest(underrated), st. john...
ate too many Johnnycakes, or was it the fun-jee? lol
Yaay Yesha, great report! I’m big on the USVI.. I lived in St.Thomas for about 12 years - family connections & great memories.
I would like to think otherwise but my gut says some black folks were involved in this horrible insult. Sometimes diversity/inclusion is a bitch!