
Whatever their faults, the so-called Hoteps are not the ones doing political & cultural damage to the Black community. I don’t understand why some at The Root feel the need to constantly engage in this Hotep-bashing. The negatives of Hip Hop culture far outweigh anything coming from Hoteps, especially the rampant

I agree with Samuel Jackson! What’s the deal with so many Black-brits playing the roles of African-American historical figures? Is the talent among Black Americans that lacking? I think Hollywood bigwigs feel less threatened by Afro-Brits, in that they are less burdened by the sting of the Black American experience.

We can’t ignore Tweets from the president of the united states - he’s setting a particular tone. We just need to remain focus. And believe me, Stephen A. Crockett Jr. has him covered - he’s not missing a thing! I check in every day just to watch and enjoy Stephen expose Trump’s madness.

Hmm, the misogynist-in-chief is expressing support for women.. how rich! And doesn’t Stephen Bannon have his own history of domestic violence against his ex? Seems Trump’s administration is peopled by women haters and sexual predators.

I absolutely support y’all! Striking is resistance! Yet as black women, even as you strike in one space you continue doing resistance work in other areas. That’s the history - the burden of Black womanhood.

And for some reason I suspect his “low-income Americans” carry an implied racial stereotype.. surely not the poor white working class who voted for Trump - they are usually spared the condescension and meanness.

Seriously, how much money was spent on this... Nah, nevermind!

David Duke knows better than to use the kind of language that would have his account deleted. Plus, there are guys in the White House who make David Duke look silly and redundant: Stephen Bannon, Stephen Miller, Sebastian Gorka - these guys are the real menace to Black lives.. They make Joseph Goebbels look amateurish.

And this all starts with right-wing radio nut Mark Levin vomiting some conspiracy crap on the air? How crazy!

Of course the need for reparations is obvious, moral, ethical and so on; but as long as we are not a cohesive community the demand will not be taken seriously. We saw what happened when President Aristide of Haiti made the demand for reparations from France - his presidency was undermined and short-lived.

This has Leslie Jones written all over it. Sista has self-respect issues and that’s why I don’t watch her.

“Black people need this film...” No we don’t!! It fits your agenda, fine. But don’t project that Hollywood hustle on us.

Umm, when was the last time one president called another a“sick” guy?

guy has issues. complains about white people yet dogs after white women. whack.

“President Vladimir TrumPutin”...hahaha, that works!

He served his time/excessive, I’m for letting him be...He’s fiancee, Vickie Vines, from my reading of her body language seems a very caring sort, yet I felt a wee bit anxious - for her - about Gary.. something about how easily he went about interacting with some of the females within reach. Now, in light of his

“He wasn’t ashamed”? hmm, interesting.

I wish him well with his new gained freedom - hope he’s a changed man.. I just don’t like the tone of Ms Kai’s article which kinda soft peddles his past. Attempting to rape someone at any age is wicked. I hope the victim is okay, if that’s ever possible.

I certainly hope he has changed but that rape thing does not sit well with me; and I think you are, so ever slightly, giving him a pass. I’m also aware of the racial double standard in prison sentencing - I get that!

I’m sitting here trying to process this.. my first reaction, this is fake news.. then I check the link and it sounds legit..