
Armond White is contrarian and offbeat, yet I find myself always checking out he’s take on Black films. Sure, he gets it wrong more often than not, but sometimes he comes up with brilliant insights that go over the heads of other reviewers — providing you can navigate through his deliberately dense writing style.

I gave up on Leslie Jones right after that Saturday Night sketch trivializing plantation life/mandingo/slave breeding/rape.. We need to have standards!

White folks can’t criticize Oprah’s lack of experience or qualifications after Trump, and the character issue is now moot.

thank you... it still irritates me!

Sorry, i’ve never been a Van Jones fan - too assimilationist for my taste. His questionable observation on Michelle Obama’s appearance (dark-skinned, not the classically beautiful woman) still rubs on my nerves.

there was a photo of President Obama with his feet resting on his oval office desk.. at the time right-wing radio & Fox went nuts accusing the president of disrespecting and desecrating the Oval office blah blah blah...

I don’t ever want to hear any white person question the qualifications of any black person in high office again— not after this administration.

A beautiful story, but now comes some disturbing news about why he was in jail.. Hope he’s a new person - a completely different person!

hahaha, will y’all stop!

Viola Viola Viola.. so brilliant, classy and authentic - there won’t be another like her in Hollywood again.. well, there’s Angela Bassett.

I don’t get how anyone who’s seen both Fences and Moonlight can find Moonlight a better film, unless for a gay bias. I realize the images for Moonlight are rare in Hollywood, and that matters. But common, enough already! Fences is a better film overall.

hopefully paired with a brotha but won’t happen, and Simon won’t want it.

Wow, this is really lowering the standards, with a hint of colorism.

Who the hell is paying you for that nonsense? Unless you’ve got some serious benjamins invested in the project. You’re not fooling anyone. There have always been justifications for onslaughts and acts of genocide against Native people.

he’d struggle to read an essay, then masturbate.

I read about this some time ago and always wondered why mainstream media didn’t take note of it. I’m just very surprised and pleased to read about it here.

Haha, don’t mean to condescend, but i’m beginning to feel for Stephen A. Crockett Jr. having to cover and report on this utter whirlwind of racist madness that white America has plunged us into. Talk about a “threshold”.. Stay strong Stephen!

Yea, I just heard Trump was there this earlier this morning - Ouch!

There is nothing to intellectualize here - Jefferson was a pedophile and serial rapist. And we can be sure sally wasn’t his first or last; and we can be sure there were others much younger. The plantation was the devil’s playground for greed and perversions. His spawn is still among us.. in the white house?

If he was 44 and she was 14, that made him a pedophile - as were many slave holders. And shame on the historians and intellectuals - including black ones -who’d have us believe “love” was involved or theirs was a legitimate relationship.