Nuke The Whales

I bake a spaghetti squash at least once a week, scoop that shit out, throw it in a Tupperware and then use it as an easy side, or mixed with pulled pork say

you guys should really do encourage a group discussion of anecdotes of playing against famous athletes in high school, house league etc. it’d be so good. fuck, I played against a CFL player (I’m Canadian, so he’s mildly notable in my hometown) in high school and I still recount the story from time to time (he was King

“mwahahaha, yes”

+77 cents

Brian Burke has a longstanding habit of wearing a tie and jacket to press conferences and then immediately getting so worked up he has to loosen his tie and rolls his sleeves like it’s hour four of a wedding reception. It’s fucking great.

so they do exist!

John Scott was definitely the bigger man

John Scott was the bigger man

in a group: everybody’s working for the weekend by loverboy

nicer than his last comments on Cleveland, love this guy

I always assume it sort of pisses special teasers off when the "biggest play of their career" is when they show that they can do a competent job of performing the basic skills of another position (Jon Ryan throws a 10 yard touchdown, Pat McAfee makes an open field hit) an receive no praise for when they do their job