resting abyssface

I haven't paid any real money to get anything. Most of the upgrades are just cosmetic, but there are others that boost your stats. Somebody who is willing to pay for that stuff outright rather than waiting to have it doled out could conceivably have a more powerful character, but my understanding is that it'd run them

I got it for $30 or so a few weeks ago. I'd almost say it's okay at that price, if it had, y'know, servers.

I got it cheap, and we have a good time with it, but it definitely has a lot of problems. I do like the concept, though the execution (ha!) needs work.

Well, I play For Honor (complete with graphic decapitations) online with my 11-year-old nephew. So, my brother, maybe?

I've got that old-fashioned "the missiles are flying" feeling back now.

Camelyarde! Camelyarde!

Shit is outdated, just like neckloads of Sterlings
Suede-fronts, bell-bottoms, and tri-colored Shearlings

It's a shame that their only funeral parlor burnt down all those years ago.

Capillary dilation, the so-called blush response? Fluctuation of the pupil… involuntary dilation of the iris?

Yeah, just recently he mentioned that he's pitched the idea of doing "one last program" with Triple H to Vince several times, to lukewarm response. His attitude seemed to be "oh well, fuck it, I tried." It's not like the guy needs to come back.

She's blonde, but she doesn't seem like Vince's type.

Are you suggesting that El Inframundo is not a real place, or that Drago, an actual dragon in human form, was born somewhere else?

That was his only good line.

Yeah, reviews for these are not good at all. The Bluetooth also apparently doesn't work with the PS4, which is made by the same friggin' company.

That amazon warrior woman leader that sicced the giant robot on her wasn't too shabby either.

i.e. old people

Mikkelsen didn't really blow me away, either, but his character was rather thin gruel.

3D doesn't work on me (my eyes are all screwed up) so that might have been part of the problem. But I couldn't help but feel like Doctor Strange ended up acting a lot like the MCU's version Tony Stark, and that bugged me.

So, ghostwritten twice?

Like, not even aspartame or saccharine or erythritol or whatever? That's cool. I didn't know that.