resting abyssface

So, extra anachronistic, then. Ah well, other than that it seems potentially good.

I don't think Ignatiy is pretentious (he's my favorite reviewer on the site) but I agree with the larger point about AV Club reviewers being really, really soft on TV and pop music, but extremely hard to please on movies (and comics, actually). That has to do with the fact that there are different people reviewing

The positive reception of Doctor Strange confused me. I found it almost unbearably formulaic and dull.

Different reviewers, but yeah, the TV reviews are really soft, and the movie reviews are… a little perfectionist, perhaps.

Only thing that bugged me is that it's supposed to be the 80s (I think?) and "so not funny" sounded kind of anachronistic.

Let's hope so. The Pre-Sequel was weak (though a couple of the characters were okay) and Battleborn was DOA.

It's the Borderlands gameplay you know and love, with a bunch of added limitations that make it a pain in the ass! What a sad note for that series to go out on.

Sounds like Zach is running an old school hexcrawl campaign. Nice!

"Yea, verily. I am well pleased." - A booty

Well you sure told me!

I'll keep that in mind for next time.

This reminds me of when I flew Spirit. I had paid extra for an aisle seat and had an older couple sitting next to me, in the center and window seats.

Aw, I got it all over my scalloped breastplate…

I can dig it.

I regularly get the lyrics to MF DOOM's "Beef Rapp" going in my head.

If they didn't hollow out of a loaf of stale bread and fill it with steaming hot stew, it ain't A Song of Ice and Fire.

I really like The Last Kingdom but the lead actor is too pretty. It's distracting.

The action scenes in Nolan's Batman movies aren't very good, particularly the fight scenes.

I know, right? Who knew?

But you can get out of it if you win at a game of knifey-spoony.