
Some of this has to do with sunshine and hops too...if I leave a hoppy beer out on a warm sunny day it will start to get skunky pretty quick.

That’s why I get my IPAs out of cans first and brown bottles second.

It’s also why when you drink beer in clear or green glass (looking at you, Heineken and Corona), you’re

Don’t forget the budget.  Research common repair items and have the cost of the car plus all the parts/labor needed for expected repairs.  Then add 50% of that for unexpected.  Then add 10% more because why the fuck not.  Then put a little bit aside for the rest of the time you own the car just in case.

The Dr. House school of car buying.

My DB train was missing at least half the cars it was supposed to have.  We had reserved seats and I am lucky my wife is from a country with large crowds because she was able to force her way in to a nice seat for us on a train so full people were sitting on the floors.

This is almost exactly the same price as a RAV4 Prime.  What is the logic here?

Oh no!  What entry level car with a light up status symbol on the front will people who make bad financial decisions lease now?

I mean, I’ve also met Jewish people that consider themselves a race, and others that would say cultural or ethnic it’s not like everyone Jewish paints themselves with the same brush.

It can be, though.  People paying more thinking it’s a well sorted, inspected, and maintained used car based on the higher price and image.

Didn’t she die IN a F1 car?  The headline makes it sound like she wasn’t a professional driver.

No grass clibbin’s on the road to heaven. 

This works in their favor.  They keep churning these things out and selling them to people with 400 credit scores, and it’s basically all profit at this point.

The good news is I’m sure everyone was going the speed limit or below, because Wisconsin state troopers apparently multiply like rabbits.

You’re basing your argument around people coming to the US looking for work. A lot of the Central American migrants are hoping to be granted asylum due to decades of unstable governments (not helped by our Cold War policies), the war on drugs (based on our demand), and the rise of gang violence (due to the deporting

You’re a teacher too?  And you’re MN, right? So am I!

I’m a teacher, and the excessive workload and being expected to meet the mental health and behavioral needs of students returning from 2 years of unstable schooling as a classroom teacher have me wanting to leave the job after a decade. I wouldn’t want to be a bus driver with my current salary, let alone what the

We’d pay for our own health care.  Instead of employee health insurance we’d pay increased taxes.  We’d probably end up paying less with system efficiencies and government mandated pricing.

No Dacia Sandero?

Was going to ask that.  How hard is it to call the police?

Teenage minds are so concerned with acceptance and social media clout that they have shut off their critical thinking and moral compasses.

So far this year, middle schoolers have:

-Broken soap dispensers in the bathroom for TikTok
-Peed on the floors for TikTok
-Stolen classroom objects for TikTok
-Sawed through class

An 03-09 Outback comes in at a hair less than 70" wide and we carry all sorts of shit in it.