The pilots are mostly there to plan, communicate, and respond to unusual situations
The pilots are mostly there to plan, communicate, and respond to unusual situations
Many times disaster has been averted by the teamwork of a good aircrew, but I guess Airbus thinks life is cheap.
This is a shitty way to fly a plane.
Its funny but if I tried to buy my own house today (been in it about 11ish years), I couldn’t afford to do so.
*whispers* Psst! Read to the end!
The irony of comparing parthanons to buc-ee’s, I mean if you’ve ever been in one you’ll notice almost everything has a christian slant to it, made/distributed by a christian company or is just out right christian. I actually avoid Buc-ee’s, that place gives me the creeps.
Patty pat pat, read the whole damn article 😂
It’s a B.B. piece: always read to the end lest you get a nasty surprise when you comment about what you THINK the article is about.
This country is a seriously bizarre place to live, and Buc-ee’s is a microcosm of our American existence at present. This combination gas station-grocery store-way of life is a mirror we have erected to show us ourselves.
Buc-ee’s is a horrible company run by terrible people. Buck Fuc-ee’s.
Is nothing sacred? smh
It wasn’t forgotten as much as it wasn’t even considered. I can drive an hour south and be in an area of the country where people have sat around for 50+ years and consistently voted red, under the promise that coal mines are going to magically reopen and bring prosperity back to the region. And they’ll keep doing it…
“Trump is envisaging a world where, to bypass the tariffs, automakers bring jobs and manufacturing flooding back to American soil.”
Boycott red states, all companies based there, and all products that come from there. Don’t move there, don’t travel there, don’t buy anything from there. Boycott them all.
The Confederacy surrendered but they never quit. Now that they are about to take the reins of our federal government, we real freedom loving Americans in the tax paying Blue States have to find every way possible to undermine the bullying dictators that are going to spend our federal taxes to uphold their bigoted…
One of those ducks has a name. Let’s go Ziggy!
““we are in the midst of a multidecade, secretive arms race.””
part of an arms race against America’s rivals to reverse engineer the exotic machines