
I’ve been doing this a while, let me try:

coulda made 200 Ebikes with that battery!

I didnt realize until just now that Lucid prices for their Air starts under 70k.  Still too much for me, but I like seeing the prices on these cars dropping.

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.

As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.

Just a point of clarification / definition from the comments: a venture capital firm invests in early-stage, risky “startups”... moon shots that will probably fail, but could change humanity (at least, that’s the purest and most generous definition).

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH

lol people are so fucking stupid to think that A. they’re important enough to warrant drone surveillance, and B. that a small ass drone can carry anything in the way of advanced photography or surveillance equipment in the first place.

Until the 60s/early 70s, it was still legal to deny women access to jobs, university, bank accounts, & credit lines for simply being women. It was standard practice to require a husband to sign off things like that. If being a wife is the only way to live in society, I imagine they wanted to make that happen just

Call me crazy, but a single person should not have enough money to purchase that many Veyrons

Yep add it to the other free government money they get for NOT farming. 

Get ready for the rural maga rednecks to freak out as they see solar and wind as both cultural genocide and emasculating.

This is what happens when you give mediocre white boys tech bros money and influence. They prove the stereotype true.

EV done right. No stupid gimmicky design changes. Literally looks like any other G class, inside-out.

There’s a lot of money selling bogus apocalypse solutions. After all, if the apocalypse actually happens, no one will be around to complain.

So for only the price of ~7 baltimore bridges, we get a plane that will keep a dozen or so rich and powerful people alive for a few hours longer than the rest of us proles. Will they land on a bomb-proof runway outside of vault 114?

But Im a card carrying BMW MOA member. I want an Electric version of a K bike to go to starbucks

Zero already exists. Just buy one of those. They’re great.