Yes. Always buy and wear a helmet.
Funny--a total stranger just made me truly feel a little bit better. Thanks!
Which I think Jalopnik handles very well - the balancing act.
Man, there’s still so many whiners in the comments that just can’t grasp basic truths. I can’t imagine why they still come here if they truly believe that “Jalopnik hates cars” or “Jalopnik hates car people” or “Jalopnik writers hate men”, or whatever else, for fuck’s sake.
I feel helpless in this “reduce, reuse, recycle” era. I do my best to recycle everything I can, yet I know that the majority of it ends up in a landfill. I try to buy less (e.g. I’m not buying an air fryer-toaster-multi-purpose oven because the current toaster works just fine). And I reuse to no end, like clothing…
Lower prices increases sales rather often.
“The dealers have pointed to a lack of demand for less-than-affluent customers”
Based from the comments on these videos, people see through the smoke and mirrors and aren’t buying it. I guess not all hope is lost.
I guess murdering the whole planet IS technically acting as a change agent for our future?
Cube got rich. Really really rich. And like a lot of really really rich people, he’s bored (and wants those sweet sweet tax breaks!). Vaccine denialism is first and foremost about entertainment - it’s conspiracy porn.
Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?
The bar is down in the Marianas Trench; Zuck manages to clear it simply by standing on the shore and only falling over once a week.
But can they point me to any child molesters or fentanyl traffickers they've caught with this? If not, and A LOT of them, sounds like it's a bunch of money and effort with no results.
Looks like a K1600 six cylinder.
I like it when idiots fuck around and then publicly find out.
Yea but none of those migrants were billionaires, so who cares?
And in news getting significantly less coverage:
Dear Stockton (shouldn’t that be the name of a town and not a person?): I respectfully disagree that safety is a waste.