It’ll do that on its own.
It’ll do that on its own.
Beat me to that exact reply.
Air cooled with that slab nightmare of a front end that offers very little air flow? This shitbox will kill itself with fire. Not to mention the smell. Hot, humid Midwest day? *gag* Not if it was free.
Male singers and rappers (and most other rich guys) make bank bragging about their excesses, but we’re in the middle of a (renewed) war on women so I’m not at all surprised that Swift isn’t just the bad guy - she’s the worst guy.
The mess of seams at that part of the car is like a perfect manifestation of the hatch, roof and glass people not coming to a consensus.
Every time I’ve car shopped I’ve always thought “surely GM has figured this out” only to rent/test drive it and quickly realize that no, they have not. I am expecting this to do really well though, since it is basically a generic CUV that is battery powered. While I’m sure some people really like the funky designs of…
Which is under the power opening hood...
These are the things that grumpy old man me hate. Don’t complicate things that don’t need complications. I get it, EVs are supposed to be new, cool, and futuristic, but damn, we don’t need power openers for every port and door possible hahaha.
“More forgiving for beginners”. While I know beginners may buy one it’s like a newly-minted pilot starting in an F/A-18
When I’m drunk I don’t start cat calling women and spouting racial slurs.
Europeans can be racist as shit, too, but they’re not likely to shoot you and 20 other people dead while you’re grocery shopping
Counterpoint: no. When neo-Nazis go underground, that just lets them escape culpability for all the harm they caused. If he wants redemption, he can loudly and publicly denounce the movement he once led. He can fight, like a number of ex-neo-Nazis have, to destroy the organizations he previously supported. He isn’t…
Musk has the emotional maturity of a teenager. This is frankly REALLY common among rich people who were born rich, as Musk was. They never connect with the real world in any appreciable sense and so they never develop the social skills to navigate it.
“Woke” is another word co-opted to be an insult, in a long line of things people co-opt because the truth behind the terms and/or discussion make them uncomfortable.
Yes, horribly, that’s absolutely what he’s trying to say.
He’s insanely rich because he started out ridiculously rich because of apartheid South Africa, I think you can guess
So how is “being woke” a lie?
And you can Save the Manuals
you can probably grab a brand new EV that has a yet quicker 0-60, and get away from having to pay for gasoline too.
That’s the best t shirt.