
A million people just died of COVID in the US alone (6.1M worldwide) and half the population will tell you today “it’s just the flu”(which also kills up to 50,000 people a year in the USA).

The pandemic has shown very clearly that a large part of the population will do literally nothing at all to keep themselves or

Thanks for the reporting Brad. I’m excited to see how this drops.

We desperately need regulation to at least make sure that the people who actually hold capital can’t just push off any loss onto employees and customers. 

So. Another crypto-bro proven to be an idiot. Color me unsurprised.

Haven’t we already fallen off this slope? ...if it gets anywhere near the US, we can just send some local police out and let them use civil asset forfeiture laws to declare the property guilty until proven innocent, right?

It should be seized an used to house Ukrainian refugees.

Maybe.... but I dont own a 700 million dollar yacht or a 7000 dollar yacht. So that will get filed in my “ less than zero fucks given” folder. 

Get training, wear gear, ride within your abilities, and you are far less likely to become a stain on the highway.

I dunno, a monorail sounds more like a Shelbyville idea.

Wait, rich people are demanding the public transit option they can see rather than the one that lets then ignore the poors? I'm legitimately shocked. 

Again..if this was Antifa/BLM doing this there would be smoking piles of bodies 20 feet high. But conservative white guys can do whatever they want i guess.

There are Conservative politicians who are visibly and explicitly supporting these people - Pierre Polivier, who is using it as a way to attempt to weasel into Conservative leadership has outright stated support. The attempts to break it up have been incredibly half-assed.

Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to. 

DA-YAM!  Flat out skipped right over trying to Rick-Roll these clowns and went straight to Canadian gay metal.  Cheers!  The only logical next step is a flat bed truck loaded with oiled up dancers and stacks of speakers blaring the music.

Yeah, sponsored by GOP members.

I don’t understand why this can’t be solved by some state troopers and a fleet of tow trucks. 

Petulant little children. And yes, it gets more and more ridiculous what they are being allowed to get away with.

In case you were wondering if Dave Chappelle has gone full asshole, yeah, he’s apparently willing to pull all his investments out of a town if poor people move there.

It’s a slooooooaaaaaow pump...