
Getting rid of EPA, getting rid of Department of Education, tweet something that the media will latch onto and no one will notice, it’s the best possible idea in our kept up kardashian world. he can set in motion whatever he wants and mitigate the backlash by doing something dumb.

Can we maybe stop talking about his tweets? There are things that the Republicans are doing everyday that threaten the American way of life. The president’s asinine tweets are the perfect cover as they are both sensational and largely inconsequential. Let’s give it a rest. Please? Our way of life, based on some of our

.... What’s weird is that the liberals aren’t really so much snowflakes as they just want people to treat others like human beings, and that the right wing is like “OH THE GAYS MY DAUGHTERS EYES IN THE BATHROOM CANT HANDLE ANOTHER PERSON PEEING AARGHGHHGHGH” about snowflakes. Meanwhile the liberal side is

The average Ideologue-American usually has a vastly more nuanced understanding of college football than they do of politics.

Someone who gets it... refreshing.

It all starts with those Ford vs Chevy arguments at recess in grade 3

Is it tiring having to couch every fucking thing in terms of liberals vs conservatives?


The men from Moonlight recently did a shoot for Calvin Klein. They are all incredibly beautiful and the photos are fucking hot. They aren’t scrutinized for posing barely clothed. It’s bullshit that men can pose in clearly sexual campaigns and it’s just whatever, but women are forced to choose between making the

Ok, I can understand that. And I respect that. I just honestly get very tired of reading endless amounts of comments where people do nothing but bash on the writers of this site and fail to ever give praise. I enjoy this site, I respect the writers a lot, and I do have a tendency to try and call people out for only

Replace “Hooning” with “Driving”.

“It’s the worst nightmare of car enthusiasts everywhere.”

That has been a stated goal by Musk from the very start for him. I am sure he would be more than happy to move from cars to being a supplier of batteries, power storage and solar panels.

Then his mission would be a success. He has said multiple times he started it because no one else was serious about EVs

Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.

“Nanigans of the She- variety.” I have nothing to add; that phrase was just worth repeating.

Blaming “people” individually is too easy. We have a societal problem with “stuff”, and it relates to a hell of a lot more things than just cars. If we don’t get out of this spiral of “stuff”, defaulting on auto loans will be the least of our problems.

Except that the consequences of the automotive bubble bursting should be limited to the automakers’ financial arms and therefore not severely impact other economic interests- correct? Although production should take a hit once this bubble bursts and that will unfortunately impact automotive workers. But this bubble

Barron is too young to drive legally, dude.

Not only that they fine you in Canadian Tire money.