
Thank you for sending me that rabbit hole!

What does it have to do with then? Are people addicted because they’re inherently bad? (a thoroughly discredited theory; people turn to crime because of financial difficulties which are... usually tied to capitalist ideas of free markets, cutting social programs etc.).

If you can’t see the connection between Capitalism (which is based on wage theft and exploitation) and poor people (who are literally a policy decision, by capitalists) you are severely missing the point of this story.

Capitalism wins again - a (likely) poor man living in his truck kills a (likely) poor man who has resorted to theft to support himself. One dead, the other in a for profit prison - Ka-ching! $$$$

So we take volcanic CO2, convert it (using energy) into Methanol and then burn it which releases (less) energy, where it ends up back in the atmosphere as CO2? They do know about Entropy don’t they?

OOoohhh, right. Thanks for the clarification.

First Gear: I’ve seen a bunch of Bronco’s around, I didn’t think this was news. Is this news? I’m in Toronto FWIW.

For sure it will - the “test” will be cheap compared to the money they save by kicking people off social assistance.

I disagree, this IS about saving money.


I covet your Hawk GT, I’ve always loved that bike.

Here is the problem with that line of thinking:

You know now that you ask, I’ve only ever heard it called Princess Auto...

Son, don’t even with the “clever”. I’ll have you know those are straight out of the AvE dictionary and are perfectly cromulent ways to refer to some brands.

Not from the usual scumbags like Home Despot and Crappy Tire. I’m sure better retailers like Crap-On and the like have Metric only but I can’t afford those :)

We haven’t converted only partly

For the record, Canada switched to metric in the 70's and we still only use it for half of the things, most notably temperature and distance. I told my 12 year old his height and weight in metric (in an attempt to use the official system) and he said “just tell me in pounds and feet dad.” Even in school they learn

But if there are two, we can each drive one and see who’s faster.

F YES!!!

BTCC/JTCC all the things!

This right here is a perfect example of the whataboutism fallacy...